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St Andrews/Duke Street area

During summer 2021, we carried out a consultation on proposed changes to the St Andrews Street/Duke Street area of Norwich. The changes are to reduce traffic going east through the city center.

We have revised the plans in response to the feedback received. The Transport for Norwich Joint Committee approved the new plans in January 2022.

We are now sharing details of the revised scheme for final comments before we advertise the Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs). This will allow us to start work.

Summary of revised scheme

The aims of this project are to improve facilities in the area for pedestrians and cyclists by: 

  • Enhancing the look and feel of the area
  • Widening of footways on Charing Cross, St Andrews Street and the northern end of Duke Street
  • Installing of two-way cycle tracks on Charing Cross, Duke Street and St Andrews Street
  • Providing zebra and parallel crossings. Including the removal of traffic signals on St Andrews Street at its junction with Charing Cross.
  • Providing a bay on Charing Cross for use as a loading bay during the day and a taxi bay at night
  • Providing a loading bay on St Andrews Street
  • Preventing vehicles driving from Duke Street to Colegate through the Premier Inn car park. Which will include a one-way restriction on Colegate immediately east of the car park exit.
  • Reversing traffic flow and cycle contraflow on Muspole Street. To prevent motorists bypassing the St Andrews Street eastbound restriction.
  • Preventing right turns for motorised vehicles from Exchange Street into St Andrews Street
  • Making St Andrews Street one-way only westwards for motorised vehicles
  • Making Charing Cross one-way only eastwards for motorised vehicles

Following consultation feedback on the initial proposals. The revised scheme includes the following measures to improve the area for walking and cycling:

  • New footway paving and road surfacing, including footway widening and segregated cycle lanes
  • New parallel pedestrian and cycle crossing points on Duke Street near Colgate and Charing Cross to replace the signalised crossings
  • New zebra crossing points on Duke Street and Charing Cross to replace the signalised crossings
  • Retention of a signalised crossing on the St Andrews Street/Exchange Street junction

Advertisement of Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs)

To deliver the updated scheme, we need to amend some existing TROs in the area to bring about the following measures, as well as those listed in the summary of revised scheme:

  • Remove the existing part-time loading bay on Charing Cross and St Andrews Street as we are providing new loading bays on both roads
  • Remove the existing part-time loading bay on Duke Street between St Andrews Street and Colegate. As the Norwich University of Arts building near Colegate has provided a new loading bay.
  • Create two-way cycle lanes on Charing Cross, Duke Street and St Andrews Street
  • Adjust speed hump positions on Duke Street between St Andrews Street and Colegate

How to comment

You can view a plan of the changes and find out more details including how to comment on the Norfolk Citizen space consultation page. 

Visit the Norfolk Citizenspace preliminary TRO consultation consultation page.

You can also request hard copies, large font and other formats by emailing with the subject 'Duke Street area TROs' or by calling 0344 800 8020

This forms the preliminary stage of the TRO consultation, ahead of publishing legal notices.

The deadline for comments is Monday 28 August 2023 and we will keep this page updated when we advertise the TROs.


The Department for Transport (DfT) has awarded £32m of funding to TfN from the Transforming Cities Fund. This funding is to deliver a range of schemes across Greater Norwich. 
By supporting improvements to sustainable modes of transport, these projects aim to improve: 

  • Access to jobs
  • Access to training 
  • Access to retail
  • Issues around air quality

Find out more about our application to the DfT and all the proposed schemes.

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