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eBooks, eNewspapers, eMagazines and eAudio

Man on a train reading an ebook

We offer a range of eBooks, eAudio books, eNewspapers and eMagazines that library members can download free of charge, with no reservation or overdue charges. All you need is a library card. Read or listen on your computer, smartphone, tablet or eBook reader.

eBooks, eAudio books and eMagazines from OverDrive

Search the Norfolk OverDrive website

  • Access eBooks, eAudio books and eMagazines with your library card number and PIN.
  • Sign up and access on the web - or for Android (7.1.1+) and Apple (iOS 10+) devices download the Libby App.
  • OverDrive is compatible with most devices including Kindle Fire tablets (but not Kindle eReaders)
  • You can install Libby from the Amazon Appstore on compatible Fire tablets running Android 9 or higher. Find information on compatible Fire tablets.
  • Borrow up to six eBooks or eAudio books for up to three weeks
  • Borrow an unlimited number of eMagazines for up to three weeks

Technical help

For help with the Libby App, visit the Libby Help website.

Visit the OverDrive help pages for answers to technical problems, including a list of compatible devices.

You can also fill in their online support form.

eNewspapers and eMagazines from PressReader

Free access to PressReader is only available when signing up with your library card and pin number. If you sign in with a social media account you will be charged for using this service.

Sign up for free PressReader access

  • Access thousands of newspapers and magazines online (UK and worldwide coverage)
  • Sign up for free with your library card and PIN Library card user guide
  • Sign up and access on the web or download the app for tablets and mobiles from your app store
  • Read online or download newspapers and magazines to your mobile device to read anytime
  • You can increase text size, translate into 17 languages or listen with the read aloud function
  • Having trouble logging into PressReader? Make sure the 'Hotspot' option is always turned on so you can log in with your library card, even if you never use the hotspot feature.

Technical help

For user guides, tutorials and help with any technical queries visit the PressReader help centre.

eAudio books from Borrowbox

Search the Norfolk Borrowbox website

Technical help

Visit the BorrowBox help page  (log-in required) for help with using the service, or email

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