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Acle New Road

Expected start date: Monday 4 March 2024

Expected completion: Friday 24 May

Download public information including details of road closures and traffic management (PDF) [146KB]

Improvement works on Great Yarmouth, A149 Acle New Road are due to start on or soon after Monday 4 March 2024 and will last for approximately 11 weeks. The aim of this scheme through Norfolk County Council's Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) is to enable sustainable travel through providing improved connections between the rail station and local bus network.

The Acle New Road scheme provides direct links from the rail station in both directions direct to Great Yarmouth Market Gates where users can connect to other services or travel through to Lowestoft and Belton.

Details of work

  • New bus stop lay-by with a shelter and real time passenger information on the eastern (southbound) side of A149 Acle New Road between the Vauxhall roundabout and station access signalised junction
  • Accessibility improvements to existing bus stop on the western (northbound) side of A149 Acle New Road between Fuller's Hill roundabout and station access signalised junction
  • Pavement widening of Acle New Road and conversion to shared use facility to link with existing shared use footway/cycleway
  • Real-time passenger information within the rail station to direct people to the bus stops
  • Diversion of several underground utilities and tree removal/replanting to facilitate project


Funding for the project is through the county council's Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP), which was awarded nearly £50m from the Department for Transport (DfT) to improve bus services and infrastructure facilities throughout the county, including in Norwich, King's Lynn and Great Yarmouth.

View details of all improvements delivered under the Norfolk's Bus Service Improvement Plan so far including those in Great Yarmouth.

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