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Ipswich Road

Start date: April 2023

Completion: August 2023

Bearing in mind changes in people's travel habits following the global pandemic, this is an opportune time to encourage more people to walk or cycle, reduce congestion on our roads and deliver a wide range of health and environmental benefits to residents.

All highway changes and the reasons behind them are listed below.

Stage 1

Segregated on-carriageway mandatory cycle lanes on both sides of Ipswich Road between the Outer Ring Road (A140 junction) and the junction with Newmarket Road. The cycle lanes are physically separated from general traffic by using kerbs and reflective poles, often referred to as wands. Double yellow lines provided within the mandatory cycle lanes.

Reason - To provide a safer environment for those cycling along this busy route into and out of the city centre. The cycle lanes were classified as mandatory cycle lanes, so drivers cannot drive in them. The double yellow lines mean no vehicles may park within the cycle lanes. These elements provide a safer environment for cycling.

Stage 2

Replace existing central island with a new zebra crossing on Ipswich Road between Ipswich Grove and Grove Avenue.

Reason - To provide a controlled crossing point for pedestrians to make it easier and safer to cross on what is a busy route in and out of the city centre.

Stage 3

4 hour parking bay opposite Harford Manor Close removed.

Reason - To allow space for the segregated, on- carriageway cycle lanes to be provided.

Stage 4

Coach parking bay on Ipswich Road removed.

Reason - To allow space for the segregated, on-carriageway cycle lanes to be provided. Alternative options discussed for coach parking with the coach operating companies.

Stage 5

20mph zone on Ipswich Road from City College through to St Stephens Street junction.

Reason - To reduce general traffic speed along this busy pedestrian route and to allow for reduced road width to allow for the segregated, on-carriageway cycle lanes to be provided.

Stage 6

Existing 4 hour parking bay on Town Close Road split into a 4 hour parking and Zone T parking bay.

Reason - To provide alternative parking arrangements due to the Zone T parking bay on Ipswich Road being removed.

Stage 7

2 hour parking bay on Ipswich Road reduced in length (from 79m to 42m)

Reason - To allow space for the segregated, on-carriageway cycle lanes to be provided while allowing some existing short term parking spaces to remain.

Stage 8

30 minute parking bay on Ipswich Road removed.

Reason - To allow space for the segregated, on-carriageway cycle lanes to be provided.

Stage 9

2 hour parking bay on Ipswich Road removed.

Reason - To allow space for the segregated, on-carriageway cycle lanes to be provided.

Stage 10

Zone T parking bay on Ipswich Road removed.

Reason - To allow space for the segregated, on-carriageway cycle lanes to be provided.

Stage 11

New Zone T parking bay (20m in length) created on Grove Avenue.

Reason - To replace the existing Zone T parking bay on Ipswich Road removed as part of the proposals.

Stage 12

Continuous footway across the Cecil Road junction with Ipswich Road.

Reason - To reduce traffic speeds of turning traffic in and out of Cecil Road, making it easier and safer to cross the junction.

Stage 13

Cecil Road Car Club space moved further from Ipswich Road junction.

Reason - Position can cause queueing issues at Cecil Road junction in peak hours. Moving the Car Club space reduces the likelihood of any queuing traffic blocking the junction.


All feedback from the consultation was reported back to the Transport for Norwich (TfN) Joint Committee which is chaired by Norfolk County Council and made up of councillors from TfN partners Norwich City, Broadland District and South Norfolk councils, who then decide how to proceed with the project.

The scheme was discussed at committee in October 2021 and a decision was taken to progress with the legally required traffic regulation orders to install a new continuous footway across the mouth of Cecil Road, relocate the Car Club bay and install a new Zebra Crossing across Ipswich Road itself.

Officers were then asked to present alternative proposals for the new mandatory cycle lanes at a future meeting based on feedback received from the local community.

Full details from the consultation are included (Agenda Item 5, from page 11) in the report along with minutes of the discussion that took place. View the full report online.

Further options were presented to committee members in January 2022 and a decision was taken to proceed with the necessary traffic regulation orders for a revised version of the original proposal.

Full details of the meeting and minutes are available online. (Item 6, page 95)

This decision was ratified with a delegated powers report by the cabinet member for highways, infrastructure and transport in March 2022. The full delegated powers report is available online.

In response to local feedback received as part of the original consultation, the cycle lane has been reduced in length in the revised scheme to allow some on street parking to remain.

In October 2022, we advertised the Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs). We completed the first stage of works, which included side road junctions and a new zebra crossing, in April 2023. The next phase of works due to follow in Summer 2023. 

This page will be kept up to date with the latest progress and information.


Norfolk County Council was awarded £1.2 million from the Department for Transport's (DfT) Active Travel Fund to invest in local infrastructure projects that support the promotion of walking and cycling as an attractive and convenient transport mode for shorter journeys and a further £300k to support future behaviour change initiatives. Find out more about our active travel programme.

All active travel proposals in Greater Norwich are being fully integrated with our Transforming Cities programme which includes the recently completed improvement project on St Stephens Road.

The DfT awarded £32m of funding to TfN from the Transforming Cities Fund to deliver a range of schemes across Greater Norwich. These projects aim to improve access to jobs, training and retail by supporting improvements to sustainable modes of transport, while also responding to issues around air quality.

More information about our application to the DfT and all the proposed schemes can be found about ourTransforming Cities application. You can also read more about previous, current and future TfN projects.

Answers to questions and concerns about traffic regulation

Why has the length of the cycleway been reduced from the original proposals?

Our public consultation identified significant concerns around loss of parking so we prepared an additional design option in response. Both proposals were presented to the Transport for Norwich Committee and it was decided to bring the reduced cycleway option forward. This decision was also subsequently discussed and ratified by our Scrutiny Committee.


There are already cycle facilities on Newmarket Road so why is this scheme necessary?

This scheme is aligned with central and local government strategies to improve facilities to encourage active travel for shorter journeys.

Ipswich Road connects the city centre with Norwich City College and beyond and is therefore a key route in its own right.


Won't cars be forced to park on other nearby streets when the existing parking spaces on Ipswich Road are removed?

Provision for short stay parking will remain available on Ipswich Road. We expect any issues from displaced parking to be minimal and this will be closely monitored following the scheme's implementation.

We are also happy to support both the city college and Town Close school to ensure travel plans for both organisations are as efficient as possible to help further mitigate this issue.


Won't coaches park elsewhere in the local area when the existing coach bays are removed?

Discussions with public transport operators identified additional layover space at Norwich Bus Station which will be utilised to ensure all buses and coaches park in appropriate locations.


The 20mph speed limit will not be enforced and it will increase congestion

Traffic flows and speeds will be monitored once the scheme is complete.


This scheme unfairly discriminates against disabled people who need on street parking

This scheme does not include removal of any disabled parking facilities and some short stay parking will remain available on Ipswich Road.


Mixing Zone T with Zone W parking will cause confusion

Parking bays will be clearly signed and marked to prevent any confusion with adjoining parking zones.


Why don't you leave all on street parking and increase the time limit to 4 hours?

Unfortunately, this option does not align with local and national government strategies in response to climate change, which are focused around reducing car use in our city centres and encouraging active travel.


Why don't you extend the cycle lanes to the ring road junction?

At the current time there is insufficient funding to implement any works at this major junction. However, this will be considered for future funding opportunities.


Won't the remaining on street parking be dangerous for passing cyclists?

These dangers already exist within the current road layout so reducing the level of parking and making further enhancements through the detailed design of these proposals will make it a safer route for all users.


NHS workers at the Eye clinic use the existing parking bays as they drop in and out all day and there is not enough parking on site

We do not have any control over the level of parking provided at the Eye Clinic site but are happy to support the organisation in the development of their travel plan.

Some short stay parking will remain available on Ipswich Road.


Answers to questions and concerns about the scheme

On carriageway cycle provision will increase traffic queues at the Daniels Road traffic lights

These proposals do not affect the capacity of the Daniels Road junction in terms of vehicle flow.


The road is not wide enough to accommodate two additional cycle lanes

Surveys carried out as part of the initial design work have confirmed sufficient width is available to safely accommodate all road users.


People who do not walk or cycle will be adversely affected by these proposals

Some short stay parking will remain available on Ipswich Road.

The scheme is aligned with central and local government strategies to encourage more people to walk and cycle.


Overgrown hedges and trees need to be controlled to increase space for pedestrians, cycles and vehicles, especially near junctions

We will consider this as part of the scheme development and if vegetation trimming is necessary this can be included within the scheme.


This scheme continues efforts to ban vehicles in Norwich

This scheme does not intend to ban vehicles from Norwich. Short-term parking will remain available on Ipswich Road but by making facilities safer we hope to encourage those that are able, to make more short journeys via cycling or walking.


Continuous footways across junctions are dangerous

Continuous footways will enhance the priority and safety of people walking along this busy route and will encourage more people to walk by making them feel safer in this environment.

In addition, continuous footways promote pedestrian priority at junctions as per the 2022 revision of the highway code.


There is no problem to fix

There are significant numbers of people walking and cycling to access the City College. These proposals will make those journeys safer and encourage more people to walk and cycle.


There is no need to change the existing island to a zebra crossing

The proposed zebra crossing represents a safer and easier way to cross the road.


This scheme will cause increased pollution as vehicles try to find alternative on street parking nearby

The objectives of the scheme are to encourage more people to adopt walking and cycling for shorter journeys.


The proposals will cause delays and congestion to general traffic

The scheme proposals do not include the removal of any existing traffic lanes. It is therefore not anticipated that there will be any negative impact on general traffic flows.


Why aren't the pavements being widened to make it safer for pedestrians?

Pavement widening would be comparatively expensive to deliver and sufficient funding for such works is not currently available. The reduced traffic speed limit, dedicated cycle lanes and continuous footways across junctions will create a safer environment for those walking and cycling.


Won't the cycle lanes be blocked by parked cars at drop off and pick up times for the nearby school?

Segregation wands will discourage cars from accessing the cycle lane to pick up and drop off and as 'mandatory' lanes their status means parking is prohibited and legally enforceable. This will enable clear access for cycling along this route. Town Close school encourages the use of alternative pick up and drop off locations and we are happy to support the school to ensure its travel plan is as efficient as possible. Some short stay parking on Ipswich Road will also remain available.


Answers to general questions and concerns

Cycle lane segregation wands may make it difficult for other vehicles to move off the carriageway when an emergency response vehicle is approaching

The positioning of segregation wands will be such that safe passage of emergency vehicles will be possible.


Post pandemic, cycle facilities are not required

Post pandemic we are seeing more people walking and cycling. These proposals will encourage this to continue and increase and support long-term council policies to tackle climate change and pollution.


The council should spend the money fixing pot holes instead or divert funds to other frontline services

This scheme is being funded by central governments Active Travel Fund which is aimed at travel infrastructure improvements within Norwich. The funding cannot be used for general road maintenance or to support other council services.


It should be mandatory for cyclists to use cycle lanes if provided

This would be a matter of policy for central government to consider.


Committee governance: I read that the Transport for Norwich committee does not have the decisive power to approve schemes. What has the council done to address this?

Updated terms of reference for the Transport for Norwich Committee have been agreed whereby members act as consultees and provide views to the Cabinet Member (who is also the committee chair) who then makes the final decision. This revised approach will be taken to the County Council Cabinet for endorsement in autumn 2022. The proposed scheme for Ipswich Road has been fully reviewed by legal experts and the county council's scrutiny committee, with all decision making upheld.


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