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Norfolk Rural Business Awards

Norfolk County Council and the Royal Norfolk Agricultural Association have joined forces to launch the Norfolk Rural Business Awards 2024.

We aim to highlight the very best of Norfolk and make this a prestigious annual event. There are nine sponsored category areas aimed at showcasing a wide range of our best businesses, community groups and people. A judging panel will be set up for each category.

  • These awards officially launched at the Norfolk Farming Conference on the 6 February 2024
  • The closing date for applications will be 19 April 2024
  • The awards ceremony will take place on the 27 June 2024 at the Royal Norfolk Show

Winners will receive a trophy, a certificate, and be able to use Norfolk Rural Awards branding in their promotions.

Click the headings below for information about the award categories and what we're looking for in an applicant.

Apply for an award or make a nomination.

Award categories

Best Rural Community Initiative sponsored by Aviva

  • Needs to be a business, or community facing entity, that benefits wider rural community.
  • Applicants will need to demonstrate both the buy in and impact of the initiative.
  • Initiative must be based in Norfolk.

We will be looking for initiatives that can demonstrate that they have made a real difference to their rural community. The number, roles and commitment of volunteers will demonstrate buy in and pride of place. Feedback from target beneficiaries will be important.

Examples could be:

  • A community shop run by volunteers
  • A community meal on wheels service
  • A care farm
  • A community taxi scheme
  • Farm shops and pubs offering wider community support
  • A business that supports the wider rural community

Logo for the Aviva community fund.

This award is sponsored by Aviva.

Best Farming Innovation Adopter sponsored by Lovewell Blake

  • Applicants will need to show how investment in innovation has impacted their business
  • Applicants will need to be from a Norfolk based farm
  • Ideally, applicants will show how any learning has influenced others and led to positive change

We will be looking for businesses that are in tune with the pace of change in farming. These businesses will be the early adopters that the largest section of the industry follow. They are prepared to take risks because of the potential benefits beyond the business bottom line.

Examples could be:

  • An early adopter of cutting edge agritech that shares benefits with local demonstration days
  • A business that shares equipment and benefits through a co-operative approach

Logo for Lovewell Blake

This award is sponsored by Lovewell Blake.

Best Food Producer sposored by Fountain Fresh Imports

  • Must produce a finished product
  • Primary producers and secondary processors can apply
  • Production site must be based in Norfolk

We would be looking for businesses producing a high-quality product with a marketplace reaction to back that up. Products that put Norfolk on the map inside and outside of the county boundary.

Enthusiasm and passion from the business owners and employees will need to shine through.

Examples could be:

  • A meat producer
  • A pie maker 
  • A chocolate maker

Logo for Fountain Fresh Imports

This award is sponsored by Fountain Fresh Imports.

Norfolk's 'Unsung Hero' sponsored by Breckland District Council

  • We welcome nominations for individuals who have gone the extra mile to deliver wider benefits to the rural economy
  • An individual can represent a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME), producing wider benefits to the rural economy

We will be looking for people who have made a notable difference. This could be:

  • Someone who has undertaken significant fundraising for a good cause
  • Somebody who has shown exceptional commitment to supporting their local community
  • Someone who has been working actively behind the scenes
  • An individual who is going above and beyond to support Norfolk's Rural economy

An examples could be:

  • A vet who goes above and beyond
  • An agricultural mechanic who comes out to assist breakdowns in any weather and at any time

Logo for Breckland Council

This award is sponsored by Breckland District Council.

Best Drink Maker sponsored by Woodforde's Brewery

  • Both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverage makers can apply
  • The production site must be based in Norfolk

We will be looking for:

  • Businesses producing a high-quality product with a marketplace reaction to back that up
  • Products that put Norfolk on the map inside and outside of the county boundary
  • Enthusiasm and passion from the business owners and employees will need to shine through

Examples could be a winemaker, a brewer or an apple juice producer.

Woodfordes brewery logo

This award is sponsored by Woodforde's Brewery.

Best Farming Champion sponsored by CLG Norfolk Ltd

  • Applicants will need to be from a Norfolk based farm
  • Applicants will need to evidence their work through third-party endorsement
  • Nominations are welcome.

We will be looking for:

  • Evidence of going the extra mile
  • An ability to educate and inspire
  • People who are taking positive action because something isn't right
  • People who can effect positive change in others

An example would be a farmer who educates their local community on farming practice by running open farm Sunday and offering a programme of school visits.

This award is sponsored by CLG Norfolk Ltd.

Best Emerging Talent sponsored by PlantGrow

  • Must be from a Norfolk farm
  • Aged up to 25

We are looking for:

  • Passion with a capital P
  • The applicant's determination to succeed to shine through
  • Individual vision
  • A demonstration of how their journey to realisation is being achieved through listening and learning

Farming like all sectors, evolves and we want to clearly see an optimism for the future.

Examples could be:

  • A person showing maturity beyond their years and going beyond what is reasonably expected of them
  • Someone helping to modernise a business by introducing new thinking
  • Someone starting out with their own business

Logo for Plantgrow

This award is sponsored by PlantGrow.

Best High Growth Business sponsored by New Anglia Growth Hub

  • The business must be based in Norfolk
  • The business must demonstrate its growth journey and positive steps taken to achieve growth
  • Ideally, the business should also demonstrate how it is keeping to its rural connections, for example giving back to the community.

We will be looking for:

  • Evidence of growth
  • The human stories associated with growth including:
    • The impact on their workforce
    • Growth in supply chain businesses
  • A positive change to the area and local community. For example, has spending in local shops increased the sustainability of the business.

Examples could be a technology business that has grown its workforce significantly over a short period of time. Another example might be an offshore supply chain business that has grown its order book and is able to demonstrate the expansion in employment that will follow.

Logo for New Anglia Growth Hub

This award is sponsored by New Anglia Growth Hub.

Best Sustainable Land Use or Farming Exemplar sponsored by Birketts LLP

  • Site or sites must be based in Norfolk
  • Sustainability from environmental, economic and community angles will all be considered
  • Outside acknowledgement of impact will add validation

We are looking for interventions that have delivered real measurable impact or early-stage trailblazers. We are interested in those looking to accelerate, or even change the direction of travel, to add value to sustainable land management. This could be from one business or organisation or larger multi-partner projects.

Examples could include:

  • Early adopters of the new Environmental Land Management (ELMS) agenda
  • A Farm acting from an environmental rationale as simply the right thing to do in their role as land custodians

Logo for Birketts next level law

This award is sponsored by Birketts LLP.

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