Webpages and links related to the Libraries section
Online library catalogue
Browse or search the catalogue for books, eBooks, eAudio and more
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View items on loan, renew online and more
Webpages in the Libraries section
Search the catalogue for books, ebooks and more; renew online or reserve something
Library locations and opening times, what's there and mobile libraries
It's free and you'll get access to books, ebooks and more - in the library and online
Renew your library card, update or change your details, report a lost card
More webpages in the Libraries section
From knitting to singing, there's lots going on in your local library
Reading, activities and events for children, young people and their families
Find out how libraries can help support your health and wellbeing
We offer training courses to develop your career and free support to grow your business
Research local and family history with access to online archives, historic photos, maps and more
We have several meeting rooms for hire in our libraries - find out about costs, equipment hire and how to book
Webpages related to the Libraries section
Free access to a range of online subscriptions including history and research, business support and news
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