Links for SEND education and learning

Local First Inclusion SEND improvement programme

Transforming support for children with SEND in mainstream early years, school and further education settings
'You Said, We Did' SEND in Norfolk 2023-4

'You Said, We Did' - find out what we've done in response to your feedback in the SEND survey 2023
SEND education and learning

Webpages in the SEND education and learning section

Support for learning
What to do if you have concerns about your child's learning, how the SEN Support system works, and education, health and care (EHC) plans

How places of learning should support children with SEND
The support that children and young people with SEND and/or medical needs should get. Includes guidance for education providers
Early learning and childcare
For children with SEND aged 0-5-years-old. Includes family information, childcare options, early years learning and education and Portage
For children with SEND aged 4-19-years-old. Includes special schools and specialist resource bases (SRBs)
Further education, higher education and training
For young people with SEND aged 16-25-years-old. Study and training options, and ways into work
Help to cope with change
Guidance on how to prepare when a child or young person with SEND changes their place of learning
Webpages related to SEND education and learning

Guidance for education professionals
Visit our sister website for SEND guidance for education providers in Norfolk

A special educational needs and disabilities information, advice and support service

SEND Local Offer for children and young people
Easy read information and videos, created for young people aged 10-25 with SEND