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Virtual school for children in care

What is the role of the Virtual School?

The 'Virtual School for Children in Care and Children Previously in Care' is a team led by the Virtual School Head.

The name can be confusing - the team is not really virtual (some of you might have met them) and they are not a school with a building. The Virtual School is a team which is responsible for making sure all children in care in Norfolk, have the support they need to achieve the best they can in education.

Most of the time, the team links with other professionals and partners, so you may not have much direct contact with them. However they are always working on your behalf.

How does the Virtual School team support young people in care?

  • They will support and challenge everyone who is responsible for your learning, whether this is your school, college or another education setting
  • They will make sure your educational opportunities and success are a top priority in your care planning
  • They will be an advocate for your education during your time in care. The Virtual School also has to provide advice and guidance for children and young people who have left care, if they been adopted or if there is a Special Guardianship Order.

The education support you get will depend on your need. Your personal education plan (PEP) should identify anything specific you need and how it will be put in place.

The Virtual School also looks at every PEP and will sometimes be at your PEP meetings. They will also speak to your social worker, foster carer and sometimes you, if they think extra support is needed. Everyone will then work together to agree what needs to happen next.

Pupil premium funding for children in care

The government has also guaranteed pupil premium funding for children in care until 2020. This money should be used by your school to help you make the best progress in your education. Schools have to show how the funding will be used and the difference it has made to your education. They might spend the money on extra maths and English support, or training staff, for example.


If you think there is something that would support your learning, you, your teacher, social worker or foster carer can always get in touch with the Virtual School team.

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