Webpages in the supporting children in care section
Children's Services Ofsted feedback
Ofsted feedback on Children's Services. Children in care in Norfolk are provided with 'exceptional services by compassionate, warm and committed workers and carers'
Norfolk in Care Council (NiCC)
Children and young people in our care, and young people who receive our leaving care service, are automatically members of NICC
Supporting children in care
Introduction to supporting children in care
We want to make sure that every child and young person in care is safe, happy and well.
This section is to help and support children aged 0-17 who are in care. We want to make sure you have the right support when you need it.
We have included information on who can help you, how you can have your say about life in care, and how to live a healthy lifestyle.
Regardless of whether you're new to care or have been in care for a while, there is information for everyone.
Webpages related to supporting children in care
How we support you when you first move into care
The different options when living in care
Who'll pay for things for you
How we'll look after you
Children and young people in our care, and young people who receive our leaving care service, are automatically members of NICC
Information on looking after yourself
How we can support you to achieve your best
If you have any feedback about how we can improve the Norfolk in Care Council web pages let us know