A47 development
The A47 is the main strategic route linking Norfolk to the Midlands and the North on one side and the energy coast and Europe on the other.
National Highways, the government company charged with operating, maintaining, and improving England's motorways and major A roads, is responsible for the A47. National Highways has committed £300m to improve the A47 at six locations, four of which are in Norfolk.
The Norfolk improvements include:
- Dualling the A47 North Tuddenham to Easton
- Dualling the A47 Blofield to North Burlingham
- Improving the A47/A11 Thickthorn junction
- Improving A47 Great Yarmouth junctions including the Vauxhall Roundabout and Harfrey's Roundabout.
For more information on these improvements visit the National Highways (opens new window) website.
Development Consent Orders (DCOs) have been submitted for North Tuddenham to Easton, Blofield to North Burlingham and Thickthorn A47 improvement schemes.
DCOs were granted by the former Secretary of State, Grant Shapps, for the A47 Blofield to North Burlingham and North Tuddenham to Easton dualling schemes. The former Secretary of State, Anne-Marie Trevelyan, gave the Thickthorn A47/A11 junction improvement scheme the go ahead on 14 October 2022.
The A47 Great Yarmouth junction improvements scheme is at an earlier stage of the process. An agreement between Norfolk County Council and National Highways has been made so that the Harfreys Roundabout improvements can be made before the opening of the Third River Crossing. The improvements will be delivered by the same contractors as the Third River Crossing. National Highways have been charged to deliver the Vauxhall roundabout scheme shortly after opening of the Third River Crossing. Early scheme work still progresses. Junction designs have been developed and consulted on, and surveys of the area including ground investigations took place in Spring 2022 to support the scheme.
Norfolk County Council is a member of the A47 Alliance (opens new window), a campaigning group for improvements to the road that brings together the business community, Chambers of Commerce, local authorities, MPs and other organisations. The key ambition of the Alliance is the full dualling of the A47. The A47 Alliance's campaign played an important role in receiving funding for the above schemes.
The schemes in Norfolk that have been identified as current priorities are dualling the Acle Straight between Acle and Great Yarmouth and dualling the A47 from Tilney to East Winch, either side of King's Lynn. The A47 Alliance continue to make the case for these schemes and will campaign for funding commitments to be made for these in the next Roads Investment Strategy.
For more information visit the A47 Alliance website.
Decision dates
A47 Blofield to North Burlingham
A47 Blofield to North Burlingham latest updates.
A47 North Tuddenham to Easton
A47 North Tuddenham to Easton latest updates.
A47 Thickthorn junction
A47 Thickthorn junction latest updates.
A47 Great Yarmouth junction improvements
A47 Great Yarmouth junction improvements latest updates.
Following a different process but information can be found within the link.