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Statement of Community Involvement

The Statement of Community Involvement explains how Norfolk County Council intends to involve the community in the preparation of Minerals and Waste planning policy documents and the consideration of planning applications.

On 11 October 2022 Norfolk County Council formally adopted the current Statement of Community Involvement (PDF, 319 KB).

The current Statement of Community Involvement (2022) is written in a different format to the previous Statement of Community Involvement (2018) and while many of the methods of consultation remain the same, the contents of the SCI have been expanded to reflect the full range of planning authorisations dealt with by the authority and includes community engagement post determination such as during monitoring and in response to breaches of planning control.

Other key changes between the previous 2018 SCI and the 2022 SCI cover the following areas: the use of electronic communications, amendments to reflect data protection legislation and guidance and the impact of unforeseen circumstances such as COVID-19.

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