Public Health Commissioning Intentions
Health and Wellbeing
NHS health checks
(A health check-up for eligible adults in England aged 40 to 74, designed to spot early signs of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD), stroke, kidney disease, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and dementia.)
- Work with Community Pharmacies, GP Practices, and their representative bodies (Norfolk's Local Medical Committee and Local Pharmaceutical Committee) to further develop our approach in relation to invitation to and delivery of NHS Health Checks
- Continue to facilitate NHS Health Check Training for primary care practitioners in Norfolk, and build upon the outcomes and learnings of the Training Needs Analysis conducted in 2023/24.
- Continue to respond to evaluation outcomes and gather more insight into experiences of NHS Health Check delivery by providers.
- Mobilise a commissioned community NHS Health Check Provider that will engage with the Norfolk community to promote and deliver NHS Health Checks, with a focus on engaging CORE20PLUS populations.
- Continue to deliver on the ambitions set out in our NHS Health Check Improvement Programme, to increase overall numbers receiving an NHS Health Check, particularly amongst those with the highest need and greatest disparities.
Stop smoking services
(Structured support and treatments to aid quitting smoking, including accurate information and advice, by expert advisers providing a range of proven evidence-based interventions)
Overarching developments
- Continuation of the additional Local Stop Smoking Support Grant, if confirmed, will allow Norfolk to further develop and expand its suite of stop smoking provisions across the county, including:
- Introduction of the CoSTED model in each of the counties three Emergency Departments (A&E)
- Expanded access to Allen Carr's Easyway
- Activities to drive take-up of stop smoking support in Norfolk, including public health improvement campaigns to increase the number of people seeking to quit smoking
- Continued support to the Norfolk and Waveney NHS ICB in its delivery of stop smoking pathways of care aligned to the long-term plan.
Community (Level 2) Provision
- Increased utilisation of community pharmacy as part of Norfolk's universal offer
- Implement a Level 2 Training Programme for smoking advisors.
- Increase the number of trained Level 2 advisors across Norfolk and address current gaps in provision.
Specialist (Level 3) Stop Smoking Service
- Fully integrate our 2024/25 commissioned Specialist Stop Smoking Service (Smokefree Norfolk) into the local system, and develop robust referral pathways.
- Ensure this specialist support service reaches Core20PLUS5 and Inclusion Health groups through a series of campaigns alongside expanded engagement and outreach work.
Tier 2 weight management services
(Practical support to eligible individuals, helping them to lose weight and decrease the health risks associated with obesity through targeted advice, information and interventions on diet, nutrition, exercise, lifestyle, and behaviour change techniques)
- Continue to commission Tier 2 Weight Management Services and promote direct access through our Ready to Change platform.
- Continue working with Norfolk and Waveney NHS ICB and local acute care partners to develop a robust service offer, ensuring system-wide interventions are connected and complement each other.
- Work with ICB colleagues to develop and promote an improved Weight Management System in Norfolk through local communications and/or campaigns.
- Increase uptake of the Tier 2 Weight Management Service for those with the greatest need and most significant disparities.
Mental Health, Suicide Prevention, and Bereavement Support
(Services funded by Norfolk & Waveney NHS ICB and Norfolk Public Health that seek to improve individuals' wellbeing, reduce the risk of suicide and attempted suicide, and support those who have been affected by someone taking their own life)
- Implement a joint performance management framework developed with mental health commissioners at Norfolk & Waveney NHS ICB.
- Increase investment in mental health literacy/ training.
- Review first-year progress against Norfolk's Suicide Prevention Strategy 2024-2028.
Sexual and reproductive health (SRH)
(Offering both contraceptive care and the testing & treatment of sexually transmitted infections, SRH services are available through GPs; Community Pharmacies; and our specialist iCaSH clinics across Norfolk, open to anyone present in our county)
Following completion of our 2023/24 strategic review of SRH services in Norfolk, and in-light of government policy announcements, in 2024/25 we will concentrate on:
Prevention and Behaviour Change
- Introduce a recurring programme of SRH awareness raising campaigns, coordinated with provider and system partners.
- Commission a PrEP focused health promotion campaign, centred in behavioural science, to encourage people, particularly those from key populations, to become informed about PrEP and its availability; to increase discussion amongst friends, family, colleagues, and social networks; and to motivate those who need PrEP most, to take action.
- Implement a small grants scheme, in partnership with Norfolk Community Foundation, focused on Empowering Norfolk Communities who we too often fail to serve
Access to sexual and reproductive health prevention, interventions, and care
- Support development of a Level 2 STI service in our south localities
- Review & Benchmark our Level 3 Specialist iCaSH service, delivering necessary changes to delivery models to manage projected demand, and securing ongoing provision from April 2026
ICS wide developments
- Aligned to the Women's Health Strategy for England and local development of a Women's Health Hub offer, develop further our co-commissioning work with local and national NHS partners to ensure women receive the right care, in the most optimal place.
- Benchmark current provision, then work to coordinate and develop Norfolk's whole system offer relating to chlamydia screening and contraceptive provision; ensuring delivery is inline with national guidance and the optimal needs of women are met.