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About consultation

What consultation has been undertaken on the Proposed Scheme?

Norfolk County Council has carried out four consultations. 

Non-statutory Initial Engagement Consultation (Stage 1) undertaken in 2016/2017

The purpose of this consultation was to invite and assess views on congestion within Great Yarmouth and the surrounding area, to share emerging proposals and to understand the level of support for the scheme. The key findings from this consultation were:

  • Congestion in Great Yarmouth is considered a serious issue
  • The Proposed Scheme would make journeys faster
  • Congestion would be reduced by the new crossing

Non-statutory Scheme Development Consultation (Stage 2) undertaken in Summer 2017

The purpose of this consultation was to invite and assess views on the scheme development work so far. The key findings from this consultation were:

  • Support for the scheme remains high
  • There is overall support for the Proposed Scheme of a bascule bridge at 4.5m clearance
  • A key concern relates to how the bridge affects port business and the passage of vessels on the river
  • The consultation identified a number of suggestions regarding how the scheme could be improved

Statutory pre-Application public consultation (Stage 3) undertaken in late 2018

As part of the process of applying for a Development Consent Order (DCO), Norfolk County Council was required to carry out pre-application consultation and publicity in accordance with the Planning Act 2008 and have regard to the responses received.  We carried out this consultation between 20 August and 9 December 2018, showing the Proposed Scheme that was intended to form the basis of the application for a DCO.  The responses to this consultation helped us refine and resolve the proposed scheme and were documented in a consultation report, which formed part of the documents submitted in the application.

Non-statutory consultation on Proposed Changes to the Application for Development Consent undertaken in 2019/2020

Norfolk County Council submitted an application to the Planning Inspectorate for three proposed changes to the Development Consent Order. As part of this, Norfolk County Council held a non-statutory consultation on the proposed changes between 13 December 2019 and 14 January 2020. The responses to this consultation have been documented into a consultation report which was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate as part of the application on 28 January 2020.

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