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What are the traffic impacts of the new crossing?

A highway traffic model has been used to forecast impacts on traffic as a result of the Proposed Scheme. This takes account of the predicted number of openings of the bridge to allow the passage of vessels. The pre-application consultation materials provide details of the forecast vehicle flows with and without the scheme for the future years of 2023 and 2038.

What are we doing to coordinate our plans with those being proposed by Highways England for the A47?

Norfolk County Council is working closely with Highways England (HE) to ensure their proposed improvements to the A47 junctions scheme are compatible with the Proposed Scheme and to maximise the overall benefits of both schemes. We are currently undertaking traffic modelling on behalf of HE to determine the most appropriate A47 junction improvements to support the planned enlargement and probable signalisation of the Vauxhall Roundabout.

Part of Highways England's overall scheme was to provide a right turn out of the railway station junction onto Acle New Road. It was agreed that it would be beneficial to implement this right turn sooner, so with agreement and funding from HE, we have already constructed this as part of our programme of construction works and it opened in May 2018.

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