Talk and play nine day challenge

Our friends in the speech and language development team at East Coast Community Healthcare have come up with some easy fun activities to do with your little one.
These activities are all designed to get your baby, toddler and preschooler talking and understanding language.
- Pick one a day to do with your little one
- Complete all activities in 9 days
- Choose your favourite ones and try to include them in your daily routine moving forward
- Why not get your little one to choose one and play it together every day?
Call Just One Norfolk on 0300 300 0123 if you have any concerns about your child's speech development.
Download a PDF postcard version of this page (PDF, 187 KB)

Bath time
Song, activities and actions for bath time

Doing the laundry
Fun learning activities for when you're doing the laundry

Listening and talking
Listening and talking learning activities

Learning activities for when you're outside

Learning activities for mealtimes

Pillow case
A simple, fun learning activity using a pillowcase and household items

At the shops
Talking, listening and learning at the shops

Treasure basket
A great activity for exploring objects and learning words

Imaginative play
Imaginative play is extremely important for learning new skills and developing language