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When you are outside, listen for different sounds. Can you hear cars? Can you hear birds? What's that sound?

For older children

Play I spy the traditional way by asking them to find something that begins with a certain sound. Use sounds, not letters - something beginning with 'sss', not 'ess'.

For younger children

Use descriptions

For example: 'I spy with my little eye something that is red' or 'I spy with my little eye something that you could play on'.

Go on a treasure hunt in the garden or on a walk

  • Before you go out, draw a list of things to find. For example: a leaf, a stone, a flower.
  • You could also find things by description, for example, something that is green, something that is spikey - try to add pictures to match each object they need to find

Play Simon Says

A fun game for following instructions and promoting attention and listening. Simon Says:

  • Find a leaf (vocabulary)
  • Find a ball and a put it on your head (following more than one bit of information)
  • Jump (action)
  • Run fast (action and description)
  • Find something green (finding things by description)

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