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County feedback

At our regular meetings, a participation officer shares reports from the Corporate Parenting Board and its subgroups. Here, NiCC members can give their feedback and share their views on the topics being discussed. This makes sure that the opinions of children and young people are heard by those that make decisions about children in care.

Every three months, a representative from the NiCC goes to the Corporate Parenting Board meeting. They share:

  • What the NiCC groups are working on
  • What their plans are
  • If anything new has come up in a meeting, they may ask the other chairs to ask their groups if they have the same issue. For example, in the past it was raised that not everyone was being given information about the promise and their right to an advocate.

There are also regular opportunities to meet with the Heads of Social Work. This is a chance to discuss the work of the Corporate Parenting Board, and answer questions from NiCC members.


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