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Client Hardship Service (CHS)

What the Client Hardship Service is

People struggle financially for many reasons. The Client Hardship Service (CHS) team wants to help you to manage better and for things to improve. We want to help you to live independently wherever possible and get out of financial hardship.

We can:

  • Support you with money management and budgeting support and advice, supporting grant applications, providing cost comparisons for utilities and supporting with switching to cheaper providers or tariffs
  • Connect you to debt agencies and support with any initial appointments
  • Make referrals on your behalf to support workers, advice organisations and voluntary agencies
  • Support you to get back into work through Adult Learning Employability skills and other employability organisations
  • Assess your hardship support request to see if you are eligible for essential household items, to assist with relocating or remaining in your own home
  • Support you with Disability Related Expenses claims - these can reduce the amount that people must pay towards their care

The Client hardship Service aims to assign your request to a Client Hardship Advisor within 10 working days of the request being received but this can be subject to change.

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