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Our teams

Our teams

Norfolk Children's Social Care is responsible for all children's social care practice in the county and has around 1,400 staff.

It has centralised countywide services and case-holding teams in six key localities:

  • Breckland
  • Great Yarmouth
  • King's Lynn and West Norfolk
  • North Norfolk and Broadland
  • Norwich
  • South Norfolk

Our social work teams are:

Children's Advice and Duty Service (CADS)

This is our 'front door' team of senior consultant social workers. Professionals can raise any concerns about a child and discuss which service would best meet the child's needs.

Family Assessment and Safeguarding Teams (FAST)

These teams work with children at greatest need of care and protection. They provide statutory interventions to safeguard wellbeing and take cases from the point of assessment, working with them on Child in Need and Child Protection Plans. They also work with courts where necessary for removal into care all the way to permanency.

FAST Youth Team

Our dedicated and specialist Youth FAST Social Workers, through lower caseloads, work much more intensively with young people across the county deemed at high risk of exploitation and/or serious youth violence.

Corporate Parenting Service

This service is made up of our In Care and Life Beyond Care teams which comprise social work and personal adviser teams. It is for children and young people in long-term care or who are care experienced. It provides support and interventions with a focus on family networking to build relationships between children and young people and their families, allowing them to return home when they can.

Children with Disabilities (CWD) Service

This service consists of specialist social workers and occupational therapists supporting children with additional complex needs and their families, assisting with short breaks, occupational therapy and transition services.

Fostering, Kinship Care and Adoption Services

These teams of qualified and supervising social workers focus on recruiting, approving and supporting those providing short-term, long-term and permanent care for children. Our adoption and fostering service is rated outstanding by Ofsted.

Targeted Youth Support Service

This is a call-in service for case-holding practitioners, when the skills and specialism of youth work are needed to engage with young people.

Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children (UASC) Service

This award-winning service works with more than 150 young people ensuring they are safe, supported and settled into local communities, and supports those leaving care. The service includes peer support workers, personal advisors and social workers, working across a partnership of services in the county.

Youth Justice Service (YJS)

This is a multi-agency service, including social workers, which aims to prevent young people offending and supports those who have. They also work with young people who are being criminally exploited or involved in gangs and county lines.

News and updates about children's social care

Thousands of children and young people with SEND, their families, and the professionals who work with them are once again being asked to share their views and experiences to help improve services and support.
A major new deal is set to provide £70 million in additional funding for education services and support for children and young people with SEND.
Inspectors have praised Children's Services at Norfolk County Council, judging the authority as "good" and highlighting "exemplary" and "exceptional" areas of practice.
People considering adopting or fostering a child with Norfolk County Council receive excellent support and training from specialist services which are leaders in their field, according to reports accepted by the council's cabinet this week.
See more (Go to News and updates about children's social care)

What our social workers say about working for us...


The quality of the training I've had in my three years here has been outstanding at all levels, there are loads of fabulous opportunities.



In Norfolk we recognise that relationships really matter. We strive for good relationships with each other and we prioritise forming and maintaining good relationships with families.



There's a personable approach here to work and a value for diversity. When I am having a difficult time my manager cares and is very supportive. I know I am never alone, and this means a lot to me.



The support from managers with particularly challenging cases has been exceptional. I'm really enjoying my job and my time in Norfolk.


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