Webpages related to the Safety advice and guidance section

Request a home fire safety visit

Get advice for yourself, or refer a family member, friend or someone you work with
Smoke alarms

Smoke alarms save lives
Safety advice and guidance

Webpages in the Safety advice and guidance section
Home safety advice
Fire safety guidance, how to request a home fire safety visit, create an emergency fire action plan and check for fire risks
Fire risks
Common fire risks include electrical fires, smoking, smoking, portable heaters, emollients, candles and chimney fires
Safety outside the home
How to stay safe when on the road, around water, in the countryside or on holiday
Specialist fire safety advice
Specific safety advice for higher fire risk situations. For example, fireworks displays, bonfires and BBQs
Incident advice and guidance
What to do in urgent situations such as a flood or if you come across a car crash
Fire safety education
Safety education programmes for schools in Norfolk and advice and guidance for parent carers
More webpages related to the Safety advice and guidance section

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