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Thousands in Norfolk take part in new "Introduction to Exploitation" Training Module

Norfolk County Council, 22 November 2022 00:00

Over 5000 people have undertaken a new training module designed to help everyone in Norfolk improve their understanding of the risks and challenges of exploitation.

Following its successful launch for professionals and volunteers, the training module is now being made available to members of the public who are keen to develop their understanding of this challenge in society.

The training, developed by the Norfolk Safeguarding Children Partnership (NSCP), Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board (NSAB) and the Norfolk County Community Safety Partnership has been designed to create a joint understanding of exploitation, helping professionals from police, social services, schools, the voluntary sector and the NHS to work in partnership to protect children and young people and adults at risk in our local community.

Andy Coller, Temporary Detective Chief Superintendent for Safeguarding & Investigations, said "We're delighted that this new training module is being made available to the general public because we believe it will help make our society safer for children and young people and adults at risk of exploitation. We're already seeing the impact this online training module is having across our professional and voluntary workforce; now we want to see parents, carers, community leaders, and many others take this training so that we're all better prepared to spot the signs and dangers of exploitation and look out for the most vulnerable in our society."

Chris Robson, Independent Chair of the NSCP, said "We've all got a role to play in keeping children and young people and adults safe from exploitation and harm. The more people from across Norfolk who take this training module, the safer our communities will be for everyone. If you're worried about someone you know, their relationships or actions, then remember; see something; hear something, say something.

Heather Roach, Independent Chair of NSAB, said "This training module is an excellent way to help all of us improve our understanding of exploitation. This is National Safeguarding Adults Awareness Week too, so this is a perfect opportunity for us to stand together to highlight the ways in which adults with care and support needs can be at increased risk of exploitation and abuse."

Mark Stokes, Chair of the Norfolk Community Safety Partnership said: "By building awareness of the different forms exploitation, we hope to increase confidence within our communities to spot the signs and report anything that concerns them to protect children, young people and adults at risk of harm. Early intervention will often come from those directly involved with an individual, as they are best placed to notice any changes of behaviour and be able to seek help and support. This training is the start of a wider awareness raising campaign around exploitation that will be rolled out across the county in the new year."

The exploitation training has already been used by organisations across Norfolk to increase awareness of the risks and signs of exploitation. Charlotte Berry, Group Manager at Voluntary Norfolk's Momentum, said "As I have a background is in Criminal Justice, I found the training to be a brilliant top up for my knowledge and a wonderful introduction for individuals who may not have any experience or previous knowledge in the area of exploitation and risk factors. Overall, I would say this training has had a fantastic impact upon the voluntary sector and I would not hesitate to spread the word about this training for others to partake and expand their knowledge to potentially help and support someone."

This course covers the exploitation of both children and adults, exploring vulnerabilities that potentially increase the likelihood of an individual being exploited. It will discuss the different scenarios in which you may encounter children or adults who are being exploited, how you can spot the signs of exploitation and what action you can take to keep them safe.

The course can be found and completed online at If you are worried that a child, young person or adult is at harm of exploitation or abuse you should report your concerns by calling 0344 800 8020. In an emergency call 999.

Last modified: 14 May 2024 12:44

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