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Norfolk Minerals and Waste Local Plan Examination

We submitted the Norfolk Minerals and Waste Local Plan (NM&WLP) to the Planning Inspectorate, on behalf of the Secretary of State, on 20 December 2023 for independent examination.

The Planning Inspectorate has produced a Procedure Guide for Local Plan Examinations.

Planning Inspector

The Planning Inspectorate have appointed Planning Inspector Steve Normington BSc, DipTP, MRICS, MRTPI, FIQ, FIHE, to hold an independent examination of the NM&WLP. The role of the Inspector is to review the plan and its supporting evidence to decide whether it meets soundness and legal compliance tests.

The inspector will consider the representations submitted between 28 September to 19 December 2022 about the pre-submission version of the NM&WLP, and will identify various matters, issues and questions to consider as part of the examination. Any correspondence for the Inspector should be sent to the Programme Officer.

Programme Officer

As independent Programme Officer, Mrs Annette Feeney will administer the examination, including organisation of the public hearing sessions and dealing with all procedural matters. The Programme Officer is independent from Norfolk County Council and reports directly to the Planning Inspector conducting the NM&WLP.

Contact details

Please send all correspondence or queries relating to the Norfolk Minerals and Waste Local Plan examination to the Programme Officer using the contact details below:


Telephone: 07775 771026

Postal address: Mrs Annette Feeney, Programme Officer, c/o Planning Services, Norfolk County Council, County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich, NR1 2DH

Latest news

We will post updates on the examination of the Norfolk Minerals and Waste Local Plan on this page.

17 October 2024 The formal representations period on the proposed Main Modifications to the Norfolk Minerals and Waste Local Plan starts at 9am on 17 October 2024 and ends at 5pm on 13 December 2024. View and respond to the proposed Main Modifications.

The supporting evidence documents consist of:

  • Addendum to the Sustainability Appraisal Report (2024)
  • Addendum to the Habitats Regulations Assessment - Test of Likely Significant Effects (2024)
  • Waste management capacity and forecast waste arisings update (2024)
  • Update on the sand and gravel, Carstone and silica sand provision within the NM&WLP
  • Heritage Impact Assessment Addendum for site MIN 25 - land at Manor Farm, Haddiscoe

View the statement of representations procedure and the representations form.

Further information about the representations period on the proposed Main Modifications is available on the Norfolk Minerals and Waste Local Plan Review page.

14 August 2024 A Planning Inspector's note (PDF) [55KB] was received regarding the Government consultation on proposed reforms to the NPPF and other changes to the planning system and the written ministerial statement: Building the homes we need.

17 July 2024 The Planning Inspector's Post Hearing Note and the Post Hearing Actions List have been added to section E of the examination library.

The examination hearings took place in the Green Room, The Archive Centre, Martineau Lane, Norwich, NR1 2DQ on 2 July 2024 (from 10:00 to 17:00) and 3 July 2024 (from 09:30 to 17:00).

24 June 2024 additional hearing statements from Norfolk County Council, Breedon, Haddiscoe Parish Council, and Stopit2 have been added to section F of the examination library under Matter 4.

24 June 2024 Proposed Main Modifications and Additional Modifications have been added to section D of the examination library.

11 June 2024 the final hearing programme and agendas have been added to section E of the examination library.

11 June 2024 the Planning (Regulatory) Committee report and Member Update Report on planning application FUL/2022/0056 - land off Crab Apple Lane, Haddiscoe have been added to section D of the examination library.

6 June 2024 the decision notice for planning application FUL/2022/005 - land at Crab Apple Lane, Haddiscoe has been added to section D of the examination library.

6 June 2024 Further responses to the Inspectors Matters, Issues and Questions (documents F19b to F19e) have been published within section F of the examination library.

15 May 2024 responses to the Inspector's Matters, Issues and Questions, including Norfolk County Council's response have been published within section F of the Examination Library.

14 May 2024 the following documents have been added to section D of the examination library:

  • D2. Norfolk County Council National and Local Validation Requirements for Minerals and Waste Planning Applications
  • D3. Planning (Regulatory) Committee Report for application FUL20220021 land South of Rawhall Lane Beetley
  • D4. Statement of Common Ground with Norfolk Wildlife Trust
  • D5. Statement of Common Ground with Norwich City Council

On 19 March 2024 the Council received the Inspector's Guidance Note (E1) and the Inspector's Matters, Issues and Questions (E2). These documents have been added to Section E of the examination document library.

Examination document library

The examination document library includes all the supporting evidence and documentation relating to the Norfolk Minerals and Waste Local Plan.

The main submission documents (part A of the examination library) are also available to view for public inspection. You may need to arrange an appointment to view the documents. Viewing is free of charge, and within normal opening hours during the examination period, at:

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