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Long Stratton Bypass moves closer

Norfolk County Council, 11 December 2023 00:00

Delivery of a new bypass for Long Stratton moved another step closer to becoming a reality this week following confirmation from government of the legal orders needed to construct the new road.

In confirming the Side Roads Order, The Department for Transport has authorised Norfolk County Council (NCC) to make the necessary changes to the existing highway that will allow the bypass to be built. The confirmed Side Roads Order comes into effect from the date the confirmation notice is published in the Eastern Daily Press and the London Gazette.

This follows last month's meeting of NCC's cabinet where councillors approved recommendations that enable the completion and submission of the final full business case to government. In addition, on completion of the current procurement process, the recommendations also include for the awarding of the contract for construction and the potential for preparation works to begin as early as January 2024 to ensure the long awaited bypass can be built as quickly as possible.

Cllr Graham Plant, Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Infrastructure at Norfolk County Council, said: "This is yet more fantastic news for long-suffering commuters and residents in Long Stratton, and will provide an economic boost to our whole region.

"This latest confirmation by government provides further confidence in the project and combined with recent cabinet decisions puts us in the strongest possible position to deliver this vital new infrastructure without delay".

"The bypass is set to create hundreds of new jobs and homes, open up improvements for cycling and walking, and solve transport issues local people have been facing for more than a generation."

Tender returns from NCCs shortlisted contractors have now been received and the full business case which will determine final funding arrangements is due to be submitted to Government at the end of the year.

The Side Roads Order confirmation notice is expected to be formally published by government on Tuesday 12 December in the Eastern Daily Press and the London Gazette. The Confirmed Side Roads Order and the associated plans will be publicly available at council offices from this date.

Further details on the preparation works due to take place in January are available on the council's website and advance warning signs for any road closures or diversions will also be placed on the ground.

County Councillor for Long Stratton, Cllr Alison Thomas said, "Having campaigned for a bypass for Long Stratton since 1997 I am delighted that we are finally in such a strong position to move forward. Our role now will be to ensure the project is delivered within as soon as possible to improve the safety and well-being of all those living, working or travelling through Long Stratton."

Norfolk County Council has worked in collaboration with South Norfolk Council (SNC), Norfolk Homes Ltd and Norfolk Land Ltd to develop proposals for the long-awaited bypass, which was granted full planning permission by South Norfolk Council in September, along with the creation of 1,875 new homes, new employment land and a site for a new primary school.

The Greater Norwich Growth Board (GNGB) have also agreed arrangements with SNC for the forward funding of a £4.5m developer contribution, which is in addition to the up to £10m Community Infrastructure Levy supported borrowing, they have already pledged to the project.

Following the initial preparation works, the target date for the main construction work to start on the bypass is Spring 2024 with an 18 month construction period and the road open to traffic by the end of 2025, subject to procurement and all statutory processes being met.

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Cllr Kay Mason Billig, current Chair of the GNGB and leader of Norfolk County Council said:

"The Greater Norwich Growth Board is a great example of how neighbouring authorities can put political divisions aside and join together for the collective benefit of their residents to achieve much wider shared economic aims.

The Long Stratton Bypass is another GNGB supported project which can do just that and we look forward to seeing its delivery bring long term prosperity to our region."

Cllr John Fuller, leader of South Norfolk Council said: "I am absolutely thrilled on behalf of South Norfolk residents and the whole of Norfolk that the long awaited bypass has taken another step forward. This is a generational achievement which will bring far reaching benefits and I look forward to work starting on the bypass next year."

James Nicholls, Managing Director of Norfolk Homes Ltd and Norfolk Land Ltd stated "We have really enjoyed working collaboratively with Norfolk County Council on the Long Stratton project to make it a reality, and the news of the granting of the Side Roads Order is another major step forward. Its hugely exciting that the project is now so close to being delivered."

Last modified: 14 May 2024 13:19

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