Webpages in the Road safety in Norfolk section
Road safety for families, teachers and schools

Webpages in the Families, teachers and schools section

Safer journeys ahead
An online, 45-60-minute teacher training session to empower educators to integrate road safety messaging into the curriculum

Child car seat safety course
An online, 60-minute course supporting you to transport children safely

Active travel survey
Identify initiatives to encourage healthier and more sustainable ways to commute to school

Parking safely on the school run
Parking guidance and what to do if you find parking issues to help you prepare for a safer school run

Advice for parents and carers of learner drivers and riders
How you can support a learner driver or rider to become a safe road user

Safe school run pledge
Learn more about road safety and make the pledge to park safely

Primary school road safety education courses
Courses and other interventions for primary school students and staff

Secondary school road safety education courses
Courses and other interventions for secondary school students

Road safety resources
Resources for teachers and families to support continued learning