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See more (Go to Family hubs logo for Family hubs home page)Family hubs

Our Start for Life and family hubs approach supports parents and carers of children and young people from conception until they are 19-years-old. We can support families with young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities, until they are 25-years-old.
You can get support:
- Online
- In your community, in places you might already visit
- By visiting a local family hub site and speaking in person to someone who can help
- From another experienced parent or carer
We share an ambition that Norfolk is a place where all children and young people can flourish.
Webpages in the family hubs section

Advice, guidance and support
We can signpost you to a wide range of local support services and information

Money, work, childcare and housing
We can help support you and offer guidance on day-to-day living concerns

Health and wellbeing
Health advice and guidance for parents and children

Activities for children and young people
Find events, activities and things to do in Norfolk

Information for professionals and volunteers
Information for professionals and family hubs volunteers working with families in Norfolk

Contact family hubs
We are here to help families. You can visit a family hub or contact us online
More information for children and young people, and young families
FYI website for 11-24-year-olds
FYI: for your information website is for young people. It answers health questions and offers advice and information from the NHS

Start for Life
Our Start for Life offer provides support to parents and carers from a child's conception until they turn 2-years-old