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Local Transport Plan

Our transport plan describes the council's strategy and policy framework for transport and is used as a guide for investment priorities as well as being considered by other agencies when determining their planning or delivery decisions.

Our new Local Transport Plan (LTP), covering the period 2021-2036, was adopted at the full County Council meeting of 19 July 2022. The new plan replaces the previous version of the plan adopted in 2011.

Local Transport Plan 4 Strategy  (PDF, 3 MB)

Local Transport Plan 4 Implementation Plan (PDF, 1001 KB)

Development of the LTP

Development of the plan has included consultation on both the Strategy, and on the Implementation Plan, starting with a public consultation to gauge the public's priorities for transport and steer its development. The draft plans were then consulted on and changes made to reflect comments from the public, businesses, district authorities and statutory bodies such as Natural England. There has also been consultation on the technical assessments undertaken to support development of the plan, principally the strategic and environmental assessments and habitat regulation assessment.

The Local Transport Plan 4 Strategy was adopted at Full Council in November 2021 to set the policy tone and direction in which the Implementation Plan could be developed. The Strategy was reviewed and updated to include developments in funding and government policy before the full LTP, comprising both the strategy and Implementation Plan, was adopted in July 2022.

Local Transport Plan 4 Documents

The Local Transport Plan must be accompanied by assessments including a Sustainability Appraisal.

These documents for the Local Transport Plan can be found on the following links:

Supporting Strategies

The LTP supports and is supported by a range of plans and strategies including the Bus Service Improvement Plan, Safe Sustainable Development, Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans and a range of Local Plans. A full list is included in Appendix 1 of the Implementation Plan and more information on roads and transport can be found online.

As well as the Local Transport Plan, the County Council is also in the process of developing, or has developed, a number of other transport strategies including the  Norwich Area Transportation Strategy (PDF, 706 KB), and strategies for King's Lynn, Great Yarmouth and market towns.

LTP Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Monitoring 

In July 2022, Norfolk County Council adopted the Local Transport Plan for Norfolk 2021-36 (LTP4) on which a Sustainability Appraisal, incorporating SEA, had been undertaken in accordance with the SEA Directive (documents in the section above). The link below is to the first SEA monitoring report for LTP4. It monitors the current state of the environment (2022-23) against the baseline established for the LTP4 SEASA in 2021/22. LTP4 replaced LTP3 in July 2022.  

LTP4 SEA Monitoring Report 2022/23 (PDF, 341 KB) 

Local Transport Plan 3 SEA Monitoring 

Prior to the development of the LTP4, Norfolk County Council adopted the Local Transport Plan for Norfolk 2011-26 (LTP3). The link below is to the final SEA monitoring report for LTP3.  

Final LTP3 SEA Monitoring Report 2021/22 (to July 2022) (PDF, 326 KB)

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