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Mobile coverage in Norfolk

An extensive independent survey has found that attempts to make a mobile phone call in locations across Norfolk are likely to be unsuccessful nearly one in five times.

The information from the survey has been displayed in interactive maps, allowing you to see which of the four major providers - EE, Telefonica/O2, Three and Vodafone - have the best coverage by area and for their needs.

Interactive mobile coverage maps

Zoom in, or search for your local area to see the strength of mobile coverage.

To get a good experience using your mobile phone for a voice call or for data (needed to use apps or access the internet), the industry regulator Ofcom advises that a minimum (threshold) signal strength is required.  These are listed below.

When you look at the maps and zoom in, you should look for the colour which represents the minimum signal strength needed, or better (higher).  These colours are listed below along with the Ofcom minimum values.

Ofcom's defined levels for mobile signal strength are:

  • 2G threshold (for voice calls only): -93 dBm.  This means yellow on the map as a minimum and preferably green/blue for the best quality experience.
  • 3G threshold (for data): -103 dBm.  This means red on the map as a minimum with orange and yellow being better and green/blue indicating the best mobile experience.
  • 4G threshold (for data): -115 dBm.  This means red on the map as a minimum with orange and yellow being better and green indicating the best mobile experience.

Note: It is possible to make voice calls over 3G and 4G networks as well as 2G (this is how 3UK provides its voice calls as it does not have any 2G coverage). 

5G is being rolled out across the UK, but is currently not available in Norfolk. Find out more about the plans for 5G.

4G maps

3G maps

2G maps

About the survey

We commissioned the survey earlier this year to establish a true picture of mobile voice and data coverage in the county, with the goal of using the information to work with mobile providers to improve coverage and tackle 'not spots'.

The survey was carried out between February and March this year and saw a specialist company, AWTG, appointed to gather information on the extent and quality of mobile phone coverage throughout the county.  The survey was conducted along more than 3,400 miles of Norfolk's roads but also at 30 railway stations and main railway lines, enterprise zones and popular tourist sites and destinations.

The key overall findings from the survey show:

  • Phone signals for making voice calls in Norfolk were identified as a particular issue, with only 82 per cent of call attempts being successful.  The call failures happened throughout the county across a broad range of locations and for all operators.
  • Mobile data (3G and/or 4G) services were available in around 91 per cent of locations surveyed
  • Attempts to browse the web and stream video using mobile data were successful around 85 per cent of the time, but web browsing success rates were considerably lower across all operators on 3G
  • 4G data download speeds were good compared to the national average, particularly on EE, however 4G coverage issues were widespread which could impact on people's experience of using the service, particularly indoors

Open data




Measured mobile speed maps

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