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Planning applications

Norwich Western Link planning application

View and submit comments on the planning application FUL/2024/0022 for the Norwich Western Link

Biodiversity net gain

New changes will come into effect from 12 February 2024 which will require the submission of additional information with major planning applications

Find a planning application

Search and comment on old and current planning applications for mineral extraction, waste management facilities and our developments

Pre-Application Advice Service

How to obtain advice before submitting a planning application

Submit a planning application

This section provides guidance ahead of submitting a minerals or waste planning application

Residential planning applications

Residential planning applications, like extensions or change of use, are dealt with by your local planning authority

Highway guidance for development

Information for when development would have an effect on the highway network

Planning obligations

A guide to the current planning obligations for developers and Monitoring Statement

Local List

The Local List sets out the criteria for planning applications that must be met for a planning application to be validated

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