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Online learning support

We deliver our online learning sessions over the internet. Your tutor will give you all the information you need to get started.

Man on laptop

We use Microsoft Teams for most of our online courses. Microsoft Teams runs through adult learning and is a secure platform.

Read our guide to using Microsoft Teams or ask your tutor if you have any questions.

Staying safe online

Be careful when using the internet. It gathers lots of information about you which you might not want to be public.

If you receive anything unusual, including any messages you were not expecting or don't recognise, do not open it. Discard it and inform your tutor immediately.

Be careful with your emails

Scam emails are currently one of the most common threats in cyber security. If you have received an email which you're not sure about, be careful.

Get more information about scam emails on the Action Fraud website.

View the latest consumer scam alerts from Trading Standards.

Be aware of things you have in the background

If you have your video camera on, other learners and staff can see you. It's never a good idea to have personal photos and belongings on show. Please dress as you would if you were attending the classroom in person.

Microsoft Teams learner support

A guide to help online learners on Adult Learning courses get started using Microsoft Teams

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