About the Strategic Alliance

The Children and Young People Alliance (CYPSA) brings together senior representatives from organisations working with children, young people and families in Norfolk.
What the Strategic Alliance does
We work together to help children and young people in Norfolk flourish.
We do this by:
- Providing leadership that enables collaborative working across services for children and young people
- Agreeing priorities for action and delivering the Flourishing in Norfolk strategy
- Monitoring how well children and young people are being supported to flourish. We do this using data and insight into how they feel about their lives
- Using our resources cooperatively
- Committing to and promoting co-production with service users and stakeholders
- Advocating on behalf of children and young people within wider partnerships and boards
Our priorities
We are currently focusing on four key areas that are particularly important in making sure children and young people can flourish.
We have chosen our priorities based on:
- What we know about children, young people, and families in Norfolk
- What children, young people, and families have told us about their lives
Our priorities are:
- Strengthening our shared focus and approach on prevention and early help. Getting the right help and support to children, young people, and families when they need it - no matter who they ask. You can find more information about our ambitions by
downloading the Prevention and Early Help Strategy. (PDF, 1 MB)
- Working together to support children and young people's mental health and emotional wellbeing. Ensuring all children with an emotional or mental health need have easy access to appropriate and effective support at the earliest opportunity.
- Improving support for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Ensuring that we continue to improve services for children with SEND and their families, including:
- Improved support for families and professionals
- Better communication
- Enhanced help to prepare young people for adult life
- Addressing gaps in learning. Bringing together those working in education to support learning recovery following the pandemic. Focusing on:
- Inclusion for disadvantaged children and young people
- Transitions between key stages
You can find out more about our priorities, what we're doing, and how we will measure our success in the Flourishing in Norfolk strategy.
Our members
Our members include services users and senior representatives from:
- Children's Services
- Adult Social Services
- Health - including Public Health, Norfolk and Waveney CCG, healthcare providers, and hospitals
- Education - including schools and post-16 places of learning
- Criminal justice - including police, probation, prisons and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
- Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board
- Norfolk Safeguarding Children Partnership
- District councils
- Housing providers
- The voluntary community and social enterprise sector
- Department for Work and Pensions
- Organisations that advocate for services users