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Residential parking, dropped kerbs, yellow lines and parking restrictions

Resident permit parking renewal is managed by local borough, city and district councils.

As parking authority Norfolk County Council is responsible for implementing new permit schemes, which we look into in accordance with the local town and parish council, based on need.

Dropped kerbs

Dropped kerbs allow a householder to access their property safely and easily.

Advisory access 'H-bar' road markings

An 'H-bar' is a road marking, shaped like an elongated 'H', which is placed across a vehicular access or driveway to let people know they should not park in that area.

Yellow lines and waiting restrictions

New restrictions will only be introduced by Norfolk County Council where there is a clear need and broad support. A legal Traffic Regulation Order has to be made before new restrictions can be introduced, and this can be a lengthy process, involving periods for consultation and legal challenge. Please contact your parish or town council first or borough council if you live in King’s Lynn or Great Yarmouth. If you live in the Norwich City area please contact your Norwich City councillor. Contacting your local representatives first will help to gauge support in the local community.

School parking restrictions are sometimes set by Traffic Regulation Orders and sometimes only advisory.

Parking on existing yellow lines and waiting restrictions is enforced by Civil Parking Enforcement Officers who are managed by local councils.


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