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Special education provision we expect from places of learning

The graduated approach

SEN Support works by using the graduated approach.

First of all, high quality teaching must be in place. It will use reasonable adjustments, differentiated or adaptive teaching and personalised planning.

The SEND Code of Practice 2015 says additional intervention and support cannot compensate for a lack of good quality teaching. This in itself is the first step to responding to the needs of many children who need extra help.

If a child or young person is not making the expected progress in their learning, teachers should review their provision. They should make the required adjustments for two cycles and review whether this has enabled the child to make progress.

If the child or young person is still not making progress the teacher should discuss this with the child and parents or carers before moving to the assess, plan, do, review cycle.

Step 1: Assess

The child's needs are identified so they get the right SEN Support. The assessment should include:

  • Asking parents and the child or young person for their views
  • Undertaking assessments and tracking progress
  • Talking to professionals who work with the child

Step 2: Plan

  • The child's place of learning and parents agree on the outcomes that the SEN Support should achieve
  • Everyone involved in the process has a say in deciding what kind of SEN Support to provide. Together they decide a date to review.
  • There is a written plan. This is so that everyone is clear what different, additional support is going to be in place.

Step 3: Do

  • The place of learning will put the planned SEN Support into place
  • The keyworker or teacher(s) remains responsible for working with the child daily
  • Everyone involved working with the child or young person will work closely together

Step 4: Review

  • A review of the SEN Support takes place by the time agreed in the plan
  • Everyone involved in the process should decide together:
    • Whether the SEN Support is having a positive impact
    • Whether the outcomes have been, or are being, achieved
    • Whether they have to identify new outcomes
    • Whether the support needs to continue or they need to try different support

The assess, plan, do, review cycle starts again. It may take several cycles of intervention and different strategies before support needs are understood and met.

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