Norfolk in Care Council (NiCC)

Norfolk In Care Council (NiCC) is a safe space for all care experienced young people supported by Norfolk Children's Services to:
- Share your voice
- Help shape improvement
- Highlight where things have gone well
- Connect with other care experienced young people
If you are a young person in care, or get support from the life beyond care teams, you are a member of the NiCC. We have lots of activities and opportunities on offer which you can get involved in.
Let's find out more about...
What participation is
What participation is and the benefits of participation
Activities and opportunities
NiCC activities and opportunities that you can be involved in
The SCOOP magazine
A magazine just for you, and produced by you!
Norfolk in Care Council projects
Looking back on projects we have completed and what we have achieved
You Said, We Did
'You said, we did' explains what you said about being in care, the services and support, and how we have responded to the feedback and taken action
Contact Norfolk in Care Council
We would love to hear from you. Contact the participation team if you would like to know more or have any questions
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Article 12
'All children have the right to be heard, and their views respected.'
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child: Article 12