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Frequently asked questions

Post-16 information

Please see Post-16 travel scheme for further details.

My child is continuing at their same SEN school for year 12. Do I need to make an application and pay?

You don't need to make an application, but you will need to pay a parental contribution as all post-16 transport requires a financial contribution from the parent.

We work closely with the SEN schools to find out who is staying on and then write to all parents and carers with details of the required payment. With returning students TITAN may also be in contact to offer travel training, if this is appropriate.

If you have any issues around travel training, please email

My child is a mainstream pupil moving into post-16 education. Do I need to apply for your post-16 travel scheme?

Yes, you will need to make an application for the scheme. Applications for September can be made after Easter.

Most post-16 transport is only offered on a local bus or train service, so before applying it's worth checking with your local transport operator to see if you can buy a cheaper and more flexible pass direct from them, particularly if your child is not travelling five days a week.

Do all students who want to receive travel assistance under the post-16 travel scheme have to pay a parental contribution?

Yes they do - a parental or carer contribution is required for all students, including SEN students. Please see post-16 travel scheme cost and payment options for more details.

Do I need to pay for post-16 transport even though the Government has raised the participation age to 18?

Yes, you do need to pay a contribution for transport. Although young people must now remain in education or training until they are 18, the government has not increased the statutory school leaving age and therefore the age range of free transport available to eligible young people.

Free transport is still only available to eligible children up to the end of the school year in which they become 16.

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