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Environmental assessment

How will the impact on the environment be assessed?

The Proposed Scheme will be an "EIA development", which means that it will be subject to a statutory Environmental Impact Assessment under the Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017.

An Environmental Statement was included in the application documents for a Development Consent Order.  This identified, described and assessed the likely significant effects of the proposed scheme on the environment both during construction and once it is in operation.

For the stage 3 pre-application consultation in late 2018, we produced a Preliminary Environmental Information Report (PEIR), as well as a non-technical summary, which provided information on the potential environmental effects of the current proposed scheme.  These documents are available on our Consultations page.

Will flooding affect the new crossing? How are we mitigating this risk?

The new crossing will be designed at a level above even extreme tidal flood events where climate change is considered. The 0.1% Annual Exceedance Probability (1 in 1000 chance of occurrence in any given year) tidal flood event including an allowance for significant sea level rise is below the proposed level of the new crossing.

The flood risk to the new crossing as well as the impact of the new crossing on flooding is being investigated using a hydraulic model of the River Yare through Great Yarmouth. The new crossing will be designed to limit the impact of the scheme on flooding within Great Yarmouth and we are working with the Environment Agency closely to ensure there are no adverse effects resulting from the new crossing in terms of flood risk.

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