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SEND discussion forums


It is very important that families with children and young people with SEND and professionals have the opportunity to speak with us.

We want everyone's input on how the SEND Local Offer is developed in Norfolk.

We want your views, feedback and for you to share your experiences so we can create change.

We have several discussion forums for different groups. If you would like to be involved and join a forum email

You might also be interesting in attending our Making Sense of SEND.

Family Voice Norfolk parent carer forum

Family Voice Norfolk is the parent carer forum for Norfolk.

It is a group of parent carers whose aim is to make sure that those who plan and organise services take into account the views and experiences of families of children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) aged 0-25.

Representatives of Family Voice Norfolk attend meetings with education, health, social care and voluntary services, ideally at the earliest possible stage of discussing a service. Parent carer forums prefer to work in co-production, where everyone works together on an equal basis to create a service or come to a decision that works for them all.

Membership of Family Voice Norfolk is free.

This YouTube video from the group Contact explains more about parent-carer forums. (opens new window)

Find out more

Family Voice Norfolk website

Family Voice Norfolk Facebook (opens new window)

Family Voice Norfolk Members Chat Room Facebook (opens new window)

Visit the website for further information including Family Voice Norfolk events. Events allow parent carers to hear directly from professionals, ask questions and explain what matters to them.

Although Family Voice Norfolk does not directly support parents, its whole aim is to improve services for them and for children and young people with SEND.

'Together we are stronger.'


Norfolk SEND youth forum

A virtual youth group for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). The group met for the first time in September 2020.

The group:

  • Shares experiences in education and training
  • Discusses issues
  • Works together to improve services for young people with SEND
  • Creates change

This is a project supported by Norfolk SENDIASS, in partnership with the Inclusion and SEND team.

Who can join?

New members are welcome! If you are 11-25-years-old and have something to say, we would like to hear from you. 

When are the meetings?

The meetings are held online via Microsoft Teams, on Wednesdays from 6.30-7.30pm.

Dates for the upcoming academic year are to be confirmed.

How to join

For further information and to join the group: 

Complete the online registration form (opens new window)

You will be sent an invite to the next meeting.

Contact Norfolk SENDIASS

Call: 01603 704070


Website: (opens new window)

Members of the group recently attended the Youth Voice Matters Conference. Watch the Youth Voice Matters conference film.

Article 12 Gamers

Article 12 gamers is a group for young people aged 12-16 with special educational needs and disabilities.

The group provides young people with an opportunity to make new friends, talk about what's important to them, and have some fun gaming.

Sessions are based at the Albion Games Cafe in Norwich and run for two hours every school holiday. The sessions are split into two parts with half the session being centred around the young people giving their views and the rest of the session is spent making use of the gaming consoles in the cafe.

Previous participation activities have included:

  • creating drawings on the theme 'this is me'
  • discussing the best way to give feedback on services
  • producing a list of top tips for inclusive providers to be used by the Short Breaks team

If you know a young person that would like to get involved or if you are a service that would like to speak to young people with expertise on SEND email

DRAGONS disability action group for young people

DRAGONS (Disability real action group of Norfolk) is a group of young people with disabilities in Norfolk.

They help other young people with special educational needs and disabilities in Norfolk. They help get young people's voices heard and make sure opportunities are accessible and fun.

How to get involved


SEND forum for SEND professionals

This is a forum for SEND professionals working in education, health or social care services to get together to learn, share and develop provision across Norfolk.

The forum is facilitated by the Inclusion and SEND team.

The online events take place termly via Microsoft Teams.

Professionals will:

  • Be updated on new initiatives and directives around SEND (both national and local)
  • Have access to specialist advice and support
  • Collaborate with the Local Authority to support the development of SEND provision across Norfolk
  • Develop professional and supportive relationships

Forthcoming dates

Forthcoming dates for are available to book now using the link below. 

Book a forum place

Contact if you have any questions.

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MOH (making ourselves heard) forum is a national forum for professionals who work with children and young people who are disabled. You can share learning, resources and examples of best practice.

Cambridge Children's Hospital youth forum

  • Are you passionate about making a difference?
  • Would you like to play a key role in shaping a world-leading children's hospital?
  • Could you be a champion for children and young people?

Cambridge Children's Hospital is going to be the first specialist children's hospital for the East of England. They are going to treat mental and physical health together, alongside world-leading research.

They are setting up a youth forum, and want to make sure young people are involved.

Find out more and apply 

Norfolk learning disability locality groups

There are five local groups in Norfolk. Each group represents an area of Norfolk. The different groups are:

  • East Norfolk
  • North Norfolk and Broadland
  • Norwich
  • South Norfolk
  • West Norfolk

Locality means neighbourhood. Each locality group looks at the issues people with learning disabilities face in their area. They look at the issues the families experience too. The groups report issues to The Learning Disability Partnership Board. We then look at ways to try to fix them.

Each locality group is open to the public and can include:

  • People with learning disabilities and their families or carers
  • People who work at the County Council
  • People who provide services for people with learning disabilities
  • County Councillors
  • People from the local area who want to help

Find out about the learning disability groups and get involved 

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