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Preschool liaison groups

The preschool liaison group consists of health and education senior staff. These professionals work together to help ensure that families who have children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) age 0-5-year-old, get the necessary support to achieve the best possible outcomes.

The clinicians currently invited to the group:


  • Occupational therapist
  • Community paediatrician
  • Paediatric physiotherapist
  • Health visitor
  • Speech and language therapist
  • Children’s community nurse


  • Virtual School Sensory Support practitioner
  • Norfolk portage service practitioner
  • Early Years Advisor
  • Education Health and Care Plan Coordinator

If the above are not available to attend, they will send information to the Group

Under the Children and Families Act 2014, there is a specific duty for health practitioners to let us know about any children age 0-5-years-old, who may have SEND.

We can then consider whether an assessment is necessary and plan appropriate services for the future.

Child referrals

A child will be referred to the group after a professional has had a discussion with the parents carers, and they agree that their child has, or is likely to have, SEND.

How the preschool liaison group helps parents

The aims of the preschool liaison group are:

  • To ensure families have appropriate support and services, especially with regard to transfer into school
  • To inform us of preschool children with SEND requirements

Do parents attend the group?

Families are not invited to attend the group. This is because we discuss a large number of children at each meeting. However, prior to the meeting where your child is discussed, you will receive a questionnaire to complete. You can let us know if you have any specific areas of concern, and we will write to you following the meeting with any outcome and answers to your questions.

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