Webpages in early childhood in Norfolk
Early Childhood and Family Service (ECFS)

The Early Childhood and Family Service supports 0-5-year-olds and their families
All a bit much and struggling to cope?

If you are having some family problems or difficulties with your children, we can help
Being a parent

Webpages related to being a parent

Early Childhood and Family Service (ECFS)
The Early Childhood and Family Service supports 0-5-year-olds and their families

Early help for children and families
Request early help for information, advice and guidance as soon as difficulties start

Health visitor service
Your health visitor can offer you parenting advice and guidance

Parenting courses
Free online courses can help you increase your confidence as a parent
Money, work and childcare
Money, work and childcare list

Search the directory
Use our online Norfolk Community Directory to find local groups, activities, services and childcare

SEND Local Offer
Services and support available for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities