Links to webpages in the Housing with Care and Independent Living section
See more (Go to Links to webpages in the Housing with Care and Independent Living section)Who can move in to Housing with Care and Independent Living housing
Schemes are run as a partnership between district or borough councils, housing associations, Norfolk County Council and the on-site care provider.

Apply to rent
You will need to apply for a tenancy if you would like to rent an Independent Living or Housing with Care home. You can apply if:
- You are 55 or over
- You need four hours or more of care and support each week, except when one partner of a couple has no care needs
You might already be receiving a few hours of support in your home, with someone coming into help you get dressed, washed, or perform other tasks. Or maybe you would really benefit from support of this kind but aren't receiving it currently.
You will need an up-to-date assessment of your care and support needs to apply. This assessment looks at your independence needs, finances, and current living arrangements. To request an Independent Living and Housing with Care assessment call 0344 800 8020 or contact us online.
How we assess applications
Each application is assessed individually. We make every effort to ensure that people with a mixture of low, medium and high care needs live in the new homes.
We give priority to people already living in the area or who have a connection to the area. For example, you might have a child or relative living in a district where there is a scheme and so want to move closer to them.
This includes people who do not live in Norfolk.
If you live outside Norfolk
You need to contact the local authority where you currently live if you are thinking about renting an Independent Living or Housing with Care property in Norfolk. Your local authority is known as your responsible social care authority. There is some information for your local authority and what they need to do here.
You can find your local council on the GOV.UK website, if you're not sure.
We cannot consider applications to rent a property without their agreement. They will need to carry out a care assessment and assess your financial contribution to the cost of care within the scheme. You can still apply to Norfolk's local authority housing list and make yourself known to Norfolk County Council, but your application must be supported by your current responsible social care authority.
Apply to buy
Independent Living flats are available to rent or buy. Read more about shared ownership on the cost of independent living page.
More webpages related to the Housing with Care and Independent Living section

How much it costs