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Information for local authorities

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Housing with Care and Independent Living provides a supportive environment, allowing people to live an independent life within their own self-contained flat. They have the reassurance of care and support from a team of care staff who are on site 24 hours a day.

Eligibility is based on local housing policy for the relevant district. Applications must be 55 years or over and require care hours that can be provided for the scheme they apply for. Care provision does not support access into the community. Schemes are run as a partnership between district councils in Norfolk, housing associations, Norfolk County Council and the care provider. Tenancy is offered through an allocation process. Individuals need to have a housing need as well as eligible needs under the Care Act to be eligible for Housing with Care.

Actions for the responsible social care authority

You will need to carry out a care assessment and assess the person's financial contribution to the cost of care within the scheme.

When you have completed the assessment, please send it to Let us know that you are requesting a Housing with Care and Independent Living assessment and confirm the financial position of the person applying and the commitment you are making as the home authority.

We do not commission Housing with Care or Independent Living support direct with the tenant for out of county placements, even if the person is deemed a self-funder. The home authority will still need to make the request via Social Care Community Engagement (SCCE).

What happens next

We'll send the assessment to the relevant local social services team in Norfolk and the person will be considered at nomination panel.

Priority of allocation is based on the relevant local housing policy for the district council boundary the scheme sits in.

All care charges are made to the home authority for the home authority to recharge to the tenant as applicable, based on the outcome of their financial assessment.

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