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Ready to Change for a new you in the new year

Norfolk County Council, 18 January 2023 00:00

If you're looking for motivation to kick-start the new year with better health and well-being then look no further than Norfolk County Council's Ready to Change online platform.

It's never too late to act upon those new resolutions for 2023 and make the necessary decisions, however small, leading to a fitter and more active lifestyle.

Whether you want to lose weight, eat a healthier diet, be more active, drink less, or give up smoking, the New Year is an excellent time to consider making positive changes.

But we all also know that willpower can only get us so far, especially if we set unrealistic goals or try to go it alone. That is where the free Ready to Change website can help.

It has been accessed by more than 20,000 people already, it was designed with support from health and behavioural experts, so it not only provides straightforward, practical, evidence-based advice, it also uses behavioural science tools to help users understand the 'what, why and how' when it comes to making and sticking with more positive choices. 

It helps you identify your goals and create action plans to put you in a position to make the changes you are striving for, but goes one step further, offering online tools based on behavioural science to help you make changes that will make a difference.

One Ready to Change user, who is 26 years old,  says: "I haven't made huge progress but after reading the information about how much exercise I should be doing and advice on eating habits, I was very surprised. So, I have tried to make sure that I now do at least 15-20 minutes exercise a day so I'm at least closer to where I should be and have changed a few of the things I eat.

"Even after that small adjustment, I have more energy and keep finding little ways to try to incorporate exercise into daily activities. I have been parking at the far end of the car park when I go into the office, and I've also started taking the shopping bags straight to the car instead of using a trolley.

"One example I found was quite good, is that when I clean the bathroom, I'll only bring up one thing from downstairs initially. That way I am forced to go up/down the stairs to go get other cleaning supplies as and when I need them. It sounds silly but it forces me to move around and break a sweat, doesn't take much extra time, and means that I'm 'passively' exercising as much as possible. I have been hoovering more (because it's quite a workout at times and heavy to move around) and started to consider it part of my routine instead of a chore, so I am more on top of things around the house as well.

"I have joined a gym to build upon this and expand from doing just 'little things' here and there, but it's been a really helpful start.

Check it out online, choose what you'd like to improve, take the Health Quiz, and it will guide you through your goal setting and action plan. It includes tips on what to do if you miss a daily target.  To find out the extensive range of topics covered go to our Ready to Change webpages. 

Councillor Bill Borrett, NCC Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health, said: "It's great to hear that Ready to Change is helping to support so many people in achieving their health and fitness goals. It is proving to be a great source of motivation to get out and get active. We all need to consider our health and something that helps make the changes you want to see, whether it's losing weight, stopping smoking, or just getting more exercise must be good. I would urge everyone to check it out and give it a go."

Resident doctor on ITV's GMTV, GP Dr Hilary Jones, said: "Making changes to your health habits is never easy and taking that first step can be daunting, which is why the Ready to Change online tool is so useful. I'd encourage you to think of the end goal and how much better you'll feel when you get there.

"Ready to Change offers tips and advice on how to set a realistic target and what to do if you don't get there straight away. It's a really practical approach to health improvement -  even small changes such as stopping your Friday night drinking, or cutting out that afternoon snack can really make a difference to your overall health. Why don't you set your personal health target today and give Ready to Change a go? It's one of the best free practical health improvement tools I've seen."

Last modified: 14 May 2024 12:44

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