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Autism is a lifelong developmental difference that affects how people communicate and how they experience the world around them.

The Norfolk All Age Autism Strategy 2024 to 2029 explains that:

  • While autistic people share some similar characteristics, every autistic person is unique
  • Autistic people have a variety of strengths as well as needs
  • Autism is not a learning disability or mental health condition, but autistic people can have co-occurring conditions such as a learning disability
  • Some autistic people are able to live independent lives, while others require specialist care and support.

Autism Training

Free Autism Awareness e-learning is available to everyone in Norfolk and beyond. The Norfolk Autism Partnership co-produced, designed and created this e-learning, to spread awareness and understanding of autism.

Visit the Autism Awareness E-Learning on the Norfolk Autism Partnership website

Tools to help when you're out and about

Autism alert cards are a great way to let people know that you are autistic and may need some extra time or help in certain situations.

The Norfolk Autism Partnership

The Norfolk Autism Partnership helps to improve services for children, young people and adults who are or may be autistic. It is a partnership of autistic people, their parents / carers, autism service providers, and voluntary and statutory organisations.

The Norfolk Autism Partnership's website includes a wealth of information, including:

  • Information about the partnership
  • How to get involved in the work of the partnership and wider involvement opportunities across Norfolk
  • Autism news from Norfolk and beyond
  • Autism information, support and resources
  • Autism training

The Norfolk All Age Autism Strategy and Year One Plan

The co-produced Norfolk All Age Autism Strategy 2024 to 2029 and future plans are available on the Norfolk Autism Partnership's website. You can also find out more information about how the strategy was developed.

Looking for support

Listed below are some ways to find out about support available for autistic people in Norfolk.

Adult social care

Adult Social Services help people aged 18 and over who need practical help because of an illness or disability. Your needs will determine what help you require and where that support comes from. Adult Social Services will encourage you to help yourself and to stay independent for as long as possible. For example, by using the resources available through the Norfolk Autism Partnership, or support such as:

If you are caring for someone who is autistic, you can find more information on our Caring for someone who is autistic webpage.

The Preparing for Adult Life service supports young people who are likely to need support from Adult Social Services when they turn 18.

The SEND Local Offer includes a section on supporting young people (including autistic young people) aged 14 to 25 with the transition to adulthood. Visit the Preparing for adult life section.

More information about adult social care is available on our Getting care and support page. This includes information about how to contact our social care team.

Social care information guides

The co-produced guides below help autistic adults to prepare for an assessment conversation with Adult Social Services. They give some suggestions about what to think about, to help prepare for the conversation.

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