Short Breaks
Update for parent carers on changes to Short Breaks
We've been working with parents and carers to change how Short Breaks are provided in Norfolk
See more (Go to Update for parent carers on changes to Short Breaks)Short Breaks webpages
What are Short Breaks?
Find out about Short Breaks support for children and young people aged 5-17 with SEND
How we assess eligibility for Short Breaks
How we assess eligibility for Short Breaks to ensure every family gets fair and equal resources
Short Breaks plan
If your child is eligible for Short Breaks they will get a plan
Who can get Short Breaks and how to apply
Eligibility for Short Breaks and what supporting evidence is needed to apply
How Short Breaks can be used
What Short Breaks funding can be used for
Pre-paid debit card
You may be offered a pre-paid debit card to pay for activities and items
Personal assistant (PA)
You can employ a PA through Short Breaks if we agree they can help meet your child's identified needs and outcomes as part of their plan
About Short Breaks
Includes our Short Breaks strategy and statement
Contact the Short Breaks team
Contact us if you have questions about Short Breaks or need help applying

Preparing for adult life
What happens when your young person turns 18-years-old and how to prepare for the transition
See more (Go to Preparing for adult life)