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Public given final say on name for new bridge

Norfolk County Council, 5 January 2023 00:00

It's time for the public to have the final say on the permanent name for Great Yarmouth's third river crossing due to open later this year.

The naming competition held last autumn generated over 300 suggestions from the local community and the public are now being asked to choose from a list of five options, which one they would like to see as the permanent name for the new bridge.

A special naming committee comprising both county and district councillors and representatives from local community groups was convened at the end of last year to review all suggestions put forward and produce the final shortlist.

The five shortlisted options are: Queens Gate, Kings Bridge, Britannia Bridge, Yare Bridge, Herring Bridge

Voting can be completed online at , or in person by posting a vote in one of the boxes provided at Great Yarmouth Town Hall, the Shrublands Community Centre in Gorleston, Gorleston Library, or Caister Library.

Voting closes on Tuesday 31 January.

The winner will be announced later this Spring with the bridge due to open in Summer 2023.

Councillor Graham Plant, cabinet member for highways, transport and infrastructure at Norfolk County Council and current Mayor of Great Yarmouth said: "I'm delighted with the fantastic level of participation in the competition so far. After much discussion we've tried to come up with a list of options that reflect the most popular themes put forward and its now down to the public to decide. I feel confident whichever name is chosen will be one the town can be proud of for generations to come and I look forward to seeing this long awaited key piece of infrastructure for our region finally become a reality."

Hugh Sturzaker, chair of the Civic Society of Great Yarmouth said: "The Third River Crossing will be an important link between the town of Great Yarmouth and the 'mainland' just north of Gorleston which will improve links through the area and the development of the port. It was good see so many people getting involved and I hope there will be an equally impressive number voting for the final name."

Simon Head, Manager of Kingsgate Community Church said: "It was fantastic to see such a great response from the local community who gave a wonderful list of names. After an engaging discussion, we had the privilege of creating a shortlist of these names for the public to vote on for naming our new bridge. I look forward to the outcome of this vote and know I will feel proud of whatever name our community chooses".

Cllr Colleen Walker, County and Borough representative for Great Yarmouth said: This has been an amazing project and I am delighted with the level of interest shown by the local community. I look forward to hearing the final name chosen ahead of the opening and I'm sure whichever name is chosen, this project will be heralded as a major success for the town for many years to come."

The Great Yarmouth Third River Crossing will link the A47 at Harfrey's roundabout to the port and the enterprise zone via South Denes Road on the other side of the River Yare. The bridge will ease traffic congestion on the town's roads, shortening journey times and improving journey reliability, as well as support wider plans to maximise investment, regeneration and economic growth opportunities in the town and wider borough.

The naming committee was chaired by Cllr Graham Plant and included Cllr Colleen Walker, Cllr Ron Hanton and Cllr Penny Carpenter, all of whom serve on both the borough and county council, as well as community leaders; Hugh Sturzaker - Chair of Great Yarmouth Civic Society, Simon Head - Manager of the Kingsgate Community Centre and Dean Wilson - Community Capacity Manager at Great Yarmouth Borough Council.

Last modified: 14 May 2024 12:44

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