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SEND discussion forums

Family Voice Norfolk parent carer forum

Family Voice Norfolk is the parent carer forum for Norfolk.

It is a group of parent carers whose aim is to make sure that those who plan and organise services take into account the views and experiences of families of children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) aged 0-25.

Representatives of Family Voice Norfolk attend meetings with education, health, social care and voluntary services, ideally at the earliest possible stage of discussing a service. Parent carer forums prefer to work in co-production, where everyone works together on an equal basis to create a service or come to a decision that works for them all.

Membership of Family Voice Norfolk is free.

This YouTube video from the group Contact explains more about parent-carer forums. (opens new window)

Find out more

Family Voice Norfolk website

Family Voice Norfolk Facebook (opens new window)

Family Voice Norfolk Members Chat Room Facebook (opens new window)

Visit the website for further information including Family Voice Norfolk events. Events allow parent carers to hear directly from professionals, ask questions and explain what matters to them.

Although Family Voice Norfolk does not directly support parents, its whole aim is to improve services for them and for children and young people with SEND.

'Together we are stronger.'


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