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Specialist Resource Bases (SRBs)

Deaf base

Pupil profile

The child or young person will have a moderate/severe/profound hearing loss which is their primary special educational need plus, one or more of the following:

  • Significant delay in language development
  • Significant difficulty with accessing the curriculum within a mainstream setting, even with training, support, specialist equipment and reasonable adjustments
  • Not reaching their potential within a mainstream school/early year setting
  • Would benefit from access to a Deaf signing peer group and Deaf culture 

The support available

The environment is set up to support with amplification systems. All Deaf bases have a teacher of the Deaf as part of the dedicated staff team. There is also access to speech and language therapy.

The Deaf bases are part of a whole school supportive ethos. The provision is flexible and can include individual, small group and mainstream teaching.

The curriculum includes the Deaf studies curriculum and learning about deaf role models.

Through attending a Deaf base, Deaf children and young people have access to a Deaf peer group.


Virtual School for Sensory Support and Virtual Secondary Resource Base

The Virtual School for Sensory Support supports Deaf children and young people who are not on role at Deaf bases through home and school visits (including early years settings and special schools). They also provide opportunities to meet other Deaf children both physically and virtually.

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