Specialist Resource Bases (SRBs)
Specialist Hubs of Inclusive Practice (SHIPs)
Pupil profile
Children and young people on roll at a SHIP have co-occurring special educational needs and will typically fit the following profile:
- Identified learning needs, requiring support to access mainstream curriculum
- Display traits akin to a neurodiverse profile of needs.
- Have secondary needs, such as speech, language and communication; specific learning difficulty; physical; medical; sensory; social, emotional, mental health.
Children accessing a SHIP will have the underlying potential to access aspects of a mainstream school offer once needs have been identified and strategies have been implemented.
Support available
SHIPs provide permanent placements until the end of the education phase of the school where the hub is located. SHIPs are currently available in the primary phase of education (infant schools, junior schools and primary schools). Children will not automatically transfer to another hub or special school at the end of the phase; however, a new referral can be made if appropriate.
The SHIPs aim to support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities to access and thrive in a mainstream school environment through:
- Enabling access to an appropriate curriculum which supports progress
- Developing consistent whole-school inclusive practice in meeting the needs of all children
- Using evidence-based assessments and interventions delivered by skilled and trained staff
- Supporting and enabling increased access to the mainstream school environment and community where this appropriate
- Implementing well-planned transitions.
The number of placements varies from school to school. Each SHIP has capacity to meet the needs of 8 children, some schools have two hubs; one for Reception and Key Stage 1 and one for key stage 2 aged children (allowing for up to 16 places).
One or two qualified teachers manage the day-to-day running of the SHIP. They are supported by higher level teaching assistants (HLTAs) and teaching assistants (TAs). All staff are trained in working with children and young people with SEND.
Hub staff can call on expert advice from an educational psychologist (EP), teachers from Norfolk's special schools (referred to as Specialist Partners) and specialist teachers from the Local Authority.
Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 (Reception to year 2)
Key Stage 2 (years 3 to 6)