Electoral boundaries
There are 84 divisional boundaries for local government in Norfolk.
What is changing
Electoral boundaries will change at the County Council elections in May 2025. This is to provide better electoral equity. This means that councillors represent a similar number of electors in each division. Population changes over time can cause certain areas to be over or underrepresented.
There will still be 84 divisions and 84 elected councillors in Norfolk - one per division.
The boundary changes will not affect:
- Parliamentary constituencies
- Postcodes
- Local taxes
Find your electoral division
You can view current boundary maps, and maps showing the future changes for each district below. If you do not know which district you live in, you can check on our map of districts in Norfolk.
View current and future divisional boundary maps in the Breckland district, including Thetford and Swaffham
View current and future divisional boundary maps in the Broadland district, including Aylsham and Reepham
Great Yarmouth
View current and future divisional boundary maps in the Great Yarmouth district, including Breydon and Gorleston
King's Lynn and West Norfolk
View current and future divisional boundary maps in the King's Lynn and West Norfolk district, including Dersingham and Gayton
North Norfolk
View current and future divisional boundary maps in the North Norfolk district, including Fakenham and Cromer
View current and future divisional boundary maps in the Norwich district, including Bowthorpe and Wensum
South Norfolk
View current and future divisional boundary maps in the South Norfolk district, including Costessey and Loddon