Outline business case submission
In November 2017 the Government approved our Outline Business Case and announced £98m towards the cost of designing and building the Third River Crossing.
All the bid documents are below.
Bid documents
- Covering letter signed by MD, Chairman of New Anglia LEP and Chief Executive of GYBC (PDF, 128 KB)
- Great Yarmouth third river crossing - bid template (PDF, 385 KB)
- Great Yarmouth third river crossing - outline business case (PDF, 7 MB)
- Great Yarmouth third river crossing - outline business case - appendix A - DfT check sheet (PDF, 65 KB)
- Great Yarmouth third river crossing - outline business case - appendix B - drawing of preferred scheme (PDF, 377 KB)
- Great Yarmouth third river crossing - outline business case - appendix C - 3D visualisations of the scheme (PDF, 1 MB)
- Great Yarmouth third river crossing - outline business case - appendix D - environmental constraints plan (PDF, 2 MB)
- Great Yarmouth third river crossing - outline business case - appendix E - detailed cost breakdown (PDF, 133 KB)
- Great Yarmouth third river crossing - outline business case - appendix F - risk register and QRA (PDF, 350 KB)
- Great Yarmouth third river crossing - outline business case - appendix G - note on TUBA methodology (PDF, 1 MB)
- Great Yarmouth third river crossing - outline business case - appendix H - note on scheme costs and discounting (PDF, 125 KB)
- Great Yarmouth third river crossing - outline business case - appendix I - TEE table (PDF, 59 KB)
- Great Yarmouth third river crossing - outline business case - appendix J - AMCB table (PDF, 57 KB)
- Great Yarmouth third river crossing - outline business case - appendix K - PA table (PDF, 54 KB)
- Great Yarmouth third river crossing - outline business case - appendix L - appraisal summary table (PDF, 97 KB)
- Great Yarmouth third river crossing - outline business case - appendix M - detailed project plan (PDF, 133 KB)
- Great Yarmouth third river crossing - outline business case - supporting document 1 - 2016 options assessment report (PDF, 3 MB)
- Great Yarmouth third river crossing - outline business case - supporting document 2 - 2017 final options assessment report (PDF, 2 MB)
- Great Yarmouth third river crossing - outline business case - supporting document 3 - data collection report (PDF, 7 MB)
- Great Yarmouth third river crossing - outline business case - supporting document 4 - local model validation report Paramics (PDF, 12 MB)
- Great Yarmouth third river crossing - outline business case - supporting document 5 - local model validation report SATURN (PDF, 10 MB)
- Great Yarmouth third river crossing - outline business case - supporting document 6 - variable demand model report (PDF, 664 KB)
- Great Yarmouth third river crossing - outline business case - supporting document 7 - forecasting report Paramics (PDF, 23 MB)
- Great Yarmouth third river crossing - outline business case - supporting document 8 - forecasting report (SATURN) (PDF, 9 MB)
- Great Yarmouth third river crossing - outline business case - supporting document 9 - economic appraisal report (PDF, 5 MB)
- Great Yarmouth third river crossing - outline business case - supporting document 10 - active modes appraisal report (PDF, 1 MB)
- Great Yarmouth third river crossing - outline business case - supporting document 11 - regeneration and wider impacts report (PDF, 1 MB)
- Great Yarmouth third river crossing - outline business case - supporting document 12 - environmental options assessment report (PDF, 7 MB)
- Great Yarmouth third river crossing - outline business case - supporting document 13 - stakeholder consultation report (PDF, 3 MB)
- Great Yarmouth third river crossing - outline business case - supporting document 14 - port operations report (PDF, 636 KB)
- Great Yarmouth third river crossing - outline business case - supporting document 15 - urban design and landscaping report (PDF, 16 MB)
- Great Yarmouth third river crossing - outline business case - supporting document 16 - modelled year sensitivity test note (PDF, 558 KB)