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Participation and co-production best practice

Coproduction statutory requirements

There are statutory co-production requirements that must be met.

Children and Families Act 2014, Section 19

Local authorities (LAs) must have regard to views, wishes and feelings, participating as fully as possible in decisions, being provided with the information and support necessary to enable participation in those decisions, need to support to facilitate the development and to help children and young people achieve the best possible educational and other outcomes.

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 12

Every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously.

Care Act 2014

LAs should, where possible, actively promote participation in providing interventions that are co-produced with individuals, families, friends, carers and the community.

NHS Constitution, Principle 4 and Values

Public, patient and carer voices are at the centre of our healthcare services, from planning to delivery. Every level of our commissioning system will be informed by insightful methods of listening to those who use and care about our services.

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